119 Of Bob Proctor’s Most Influential & Inspiring Quotes To Create The Life You Desire
"You Are The Master Of Your Own Destiny."- Bob Proctor
Bob Proctor is a well-known speaker, author, and life coach who has been influencing millions of people for over five decades.
He is widely regarded as one of the most successful personal development gurus in the world, and is best known for his teachings on the power of the human mind and the principles of success.
With his simple yet profound insights, Bob has helped people from all walks of life transform their lives and achieve their full potential.
Born in 1933, Bob Proctor grew up in a working-class family in Toronto, Canada.
Despite facing numerous challenges and hardships in his early years, he was driven to succeed and made a name for himself in the world of sales and marketing.
In the 1960s, Bob discovered the teachings of Napoleon Hill and his classic book, "Think and Grow Rich," which had a profound impact on him and shaped his philosophy on success.
Bob's passion for personal growth and his natural ability to inspire and motivate others soon made him a sought-after speaker and teacher.
He began sharing his knowledge and experiences through books, workshops, and seminars, and quickly established a reputation as one of the leading experts in the field of personal development.
One of the key elements of Bob's teachings is his emphasis on the power of the human mind.
He believes that our thoughts and beliefs determine our outcomes in life, and that by harnessing the power of our mind, we can create the life we desire.
His famous quote, "You are the master of your own destiny," encapsulates this philosophy and has inspired countless people to take control of their lives and pursue their goals with confidence.
Bob's wisdom and insights have been captured in numerous books, including "You Were Born Rich," "Thinking into Results," and "The 11 Forgotten Laws."
He has also produced numerous audio and video programs, and has been featured in several films and documentaries, including "The Secret."
Despite his success and worldwide reputation, Bob Proctor remains humble and dedicated to helping others achieve their full potential.
He continues to travel the world, sharing his teachings and spreading his message of hope and inspiration.
The famous Bob Proctor's quotes, many of which have been widely shared and quoted, are a testament to his wisdom and the impact of his teachings.
Whether you are looking to improve your finances, relationships, or overall life satisfaction, Bob Proctor's words of wisdom offer practical guidance and a roadmap for success.
His messages of hope and inspiration have touched the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations for many years to come.
22 Inspirational Bob Proctor's Quotes
1. "You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution."
2. "One difference between successful people and all the rest is that successful people take action."
3. "Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters."
4. "Everyone should have a sense of urgency - It is getting a lot done in a short period of time in a calm confident manner."

5. "Outward change comes after we change from within."
6. "Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible."
7. "Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time."
8. "Regardless of what happens today, realize it is the beginning of something good."
9. "Most people are not going after what they want. Even some of the most serious goal seekers and goal setters, they’re only going after what they think they can get."
10. "The Law of Attraction is always working, whether you believe it or understand it or not."
11. "It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go."
12. "Become personally involved with your dream and make it a priority, or it will never become a reality."
13. "Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life. Your vision explains how you are living your purpose. Your goals enable you to realize your vision."
14. "If you must doubt something. Doubt your limits."
15. "Success requires action and a strong work ethic."
16. "Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand."
17. "Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice."
18. "Let’s start with what we can be thankful for, and get our mind into that vibration, and then watch the good that starts to come, because one thought leads to another thought."
19. "Science and psychology have isolated that one prime cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden self-image you have of yourself."
20. "The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves."
21. "You can only move ahead by letting go of old ideas."
22. "If you don’t get the chills when you set your goal, you’re not setting big enough goals."

4 Self Love Quotes
23. "Stay in charge of you, don't let the outside world control you."
24. "There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power within."
25. "The only competition you will ever face is with your own ignorance."
26. "We can build anything in our imagination. That's where all creation begins in your life."
8 Commitment/Goal Setting Quotes
27. "Once you make the decision you will find all the people, resources, and ideas you need every time."
28. "Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose!"
29. "People who are interested in doing something will do it when it's convenient. People who are committed will do it no matter what."
30. "Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there."
31. "Okay, do just a little bit more. Turn going the extra mile into a habit – it is what lifts most successful people above the crowd."
32. "Know what is happening around you. Be in control of what is happening within you."
33. "Do you want to know what you think about most of the time? Take a look at the results you're getting. That will tell you exactly what's going on inside."
34. "See yourself where you want to be and then be there. Don't be in the past. Be there! Act like the person you want to become."
23 Law Of Attraction
35. "Everything has been created twice, once on a mental plane and one on a physical plane. What you think about you bring about."
36. "The law of prosperity is generosity. If you want more, give more."

37. "You will attract everything that you require. If it’s money you need you will attract it. If it’s people you need you’ll attract it."
38. "Thoughts become things, If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand."
39. "Your real purpose in life is to develop yourself. To successfully do this you must always be working toward a goal."
40. "If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand."
41. "Being a winner is never an accident; winning comes about by design, determination, and positive action."
42. "Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life. Your vision explains how you are living your purpose. Your goals enable you to realize your vision."
43. "What do you want? Sit down and write it out on a piece of paper. Write it in the present tense."
44. "The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves."
45. "There’s something so magnificent about you. And as you love yourself you’ll love others."
46. "Pay attention - there is opportunity in every new day."
47. "Only a person who risks can be free."
48. "Okay, do just a little bit more. Turn going the extra mile into a habit– it is what lifts most successful people above the crowd."
49. "Thoughts become things."
50. "The mental awareness of prosperity always precedes wealth in your material world."
51. "Money is valuable only as long as it is being used; it is meant to be used, enjoyed and circulated."
52. "The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing and has nothing."
53. "Success requires action and a strong work ethic."
54. "Life can be absolutely phenomenal, and it should be, and it will be, when you start using the secret."
55. "The biggest gap in your life is that between what you know and what you do."
56. "You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution."
57. "The good you find in others is a reflection of the good that is in yourself."

20 Famous Bob Proctor's Quotes
58. "Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice."
59. "Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it."
60. "You can't just think and grow rich, you've got to do something with those thoughts."
61. "Get the basic ideas in place and get moving."
62. "By increasing our awareness. We invite more of ourselves to the party."
63. "People who make decisions go to the top. Those who fail to make decisions go nowhere."
64. "Don't be a victim of negative self-talk. Remember, you are listening."
65. "We can build anything in our imagination that's where all creation begins in your life."
66. "Self-confidence is a must for a fulfilled life. If you have a divine self-confidence, you know how fortunate you are."
67. "You must do what others won't: commit, and stay the course."
68. "Everyone should have a sense of urgency – It is getting a lot done in a short period of time in a calm confident manner."
69. "Always ask yourself the question 'Is this going to help get me to my goal or not?'"
70. "The ability to self-motivate is a cornerstone of true wealth."
71. "Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters."
72. "Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it."
73. "Everything has been created twice once on a mental plane and once on a physical plane."
74. "The subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what's real and what's imagined."

75. "I am a spiritual person living in a human body, not a human body with a spirit."
76. "Lack of time is really a lack of priorities."
77. "The person who risks nothing, does nothing and has nothing."
18 Manifesting Quotes
78. "We all have the ability to design our own lives."
79. "See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it works every time with every person."
80. "Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there."
81. "We can build anything in our imagination, that's where all creation begins in your life."
82. "The Subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what's real and what's imagined."
83. "Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return, therefore, everything that you want is already yours. It is simply becoming more aware of what you already possess."
84. "Everything you are seeking is seeking you. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. So you don't have to get anything. It is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess."
85. "No amount of reading or memorizing will make you successful in life. It is the understanding and application of wise thought that counts."
86. "Expect an abundance. The stream of plenty always flows towards the open, expectant mind."
87. "By visualizing your goal already completed, you flip your mind onto the frequency that contains the way that it will be attracted to you."
88. "People who are interested in doing something will do it when it's convenient. People who are committed will do it no matter what."
89. "If you do not get the chills when you set your goal, you're not setting big enough goals."
90. "Pay attention, there is opportunity in every new day."
91. "You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution. Change is inevitable, personal growth is always a personal decision."
92. "To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all. But to believe in the unseen is both a triumph and a blessing."
93. "The opposite of love is not anger, it is apathy."
94. "You must do what others won't, commit and stay the course."
95. "If you're thinking of debt, that's what you're going to attract."

24 Success Quotes
96. “What you think about you bring about.”
97. “Your outside world is a reflection of your inside world. What goes on in the inside, shows on the outside.”
98. “Lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for them in our mind.”
99. “When you REACT you are giving away your power. When you RESPOND you are staying in control of yourself.”
100. “Anyone that ever accomplished anything, did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it.”
101. "When you are on a downswing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. There are good times coming."
102. "Discipline is giving yourself a command and following it up with action."
103. "Richness is not about what you have. It is about who you are."
104. "There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power within you."
105. "A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you."
106. "Discipline is giving yourself a command and following it up with action."
107. "The weight of your body is controlled by the image in your mind."
108. "You can have anything you want. You just have to decide what you want and do everything it takes to get it!"
109. "You must make your dream a priority in order for it to become your life."
110. "The biggest gap in your life is between what you know and what you do."
111. "Your results are an expression of your level of awareness."
112. "Being a winner is never an accident; winning comes about by design, determination and positive action."

113. "Life will forgive mistakes – Life will not forgive indecision … Do SOMETHING, take a step."
114. "Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result."
115. "Your real purpose in life is to develop yourself. To successfully do this you must always be working toward a goal."
116. "See yourself in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person."
117. "You don’t decide what your purpose is in life you discover it. Your purpose is your reason for living."
118. "Life either happens by design or default, you choose."
119. "It’s impossible for me to lose because I won’t quit!"

How Can Quotes Help You?
Quotes can have a profound impact on your life and help you in several ways:
- Inspiration and motivation: Quotes can provide a burst of inspiration and motivation to help you stay focused and achieve your goals.
- New perspective: Quotes can offer a new perspective on life and help you shift your thinking in a positive direction.
- Emotional support: Quotes can provide emotional support and comfort during difficult times. They can offer a sense of hope and positivity when you need it most.
- Personal growth: Quotes can provide wisdom and insights into the human experience, helping you to grow and develop as a person.
- Reflection: Quotes can encourage reflection and introspection, helping you to become more self-aware and intentional in your life.
- Mental stimulation: Quotes can challenge and stimulate your mind, encouraging you to think more deeply about important topics and ideas.
How Can Bob Proctor's Quotes Help You?
Bob Proctor's famous quotes can help you in many ways, as they are filled with wisdom, inspiration, and practical advice.
Here are a few ways in which Bob Proctor's quotes can benefit you:
- Inspiration and motivation: Bob's quotes are designed to inspire and motivate you to take action towards your goals. They remind you of the power of your mind and the importance of taking control of your life.
- A fresh perspective: Bob's unique perspective on success, wealth, and personal growth can offer a fresh and empowering outlook on life. His quotes help you to see challenges and obstacles in a new light, and provide you with the tools to overcome them.
- Improved self-awareness: Bob's quotes help you to become more self-aware by encouraging you to think deeply about your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. They help you to identify and challenge limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, and to replace them with positive, empowering ones.
- Better decision making: Bob's quotes provide you with a clear understanding of the principles of success, which can guide you in making better decisions in your personal and professional life. By incorporating his teachings into your decision-making process, you can make choices that are aligned with your goals and values.
- Increased confidence and self-esteem: Bob's quotes remind you of your inherent worth and potential, which can help you to boost your confidence and self-esteem. By embracing his teachings, you can develop a more positive and confident outlook on life and become more resilient in the face of challenges.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve read the quotes and understand their value, this is how you can implement them into your life in order to create real change:
- Choose quotes that resonate with you and align with your values and goals
- Write the quotes down and display them in a prominent place where you can see them regularly
- Reflect on the meaning and relevance of the quotes to your life
- Incorporate the messages of the quotes into your daily thoughts, actions, and decisions
- Use a coffee mug, water bottle, or tote bag with a positive message to start your day on a positive note and spread positivity to others.
- Use the quotes as a source of motivation and encouragement when facing challenges
- Regularly evaluate and adjust the quotes you use to ensure they continue to inspire and motivate you
- Share your favorite quotes with others to spread positivity and inspire others as well
- Wear a wristband or bracelet with a positive quote or mantra as a daily reminder of your goals and aspirations.
- Use a manifestation journal or planner with positive quotes to write down your thoughts and reflect on your day with a positive outlook
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Is Bob Proctor And What Is He Known For?
Bob Proctor is a well-known speaker, author, and life coach who has been inspiring millions of people for over five decades.
He is widely regarded as one of the most successful personal development gurus in the world, and is best known for his teachings on the power of the human mind and the principles of success.
Bob has helped people from all walks of life transform their lives and achieve their full potential through his simple yet profound insights, which have been captured in numerous books, audio and video programs, and seminars.
What Are The Most Famous Bob Proctor's Quotes?
There are so many famous Bob Proctor's quotes, but some of the most well-known include:
- "You are the master of your own destiny."
- "You are the only person who can control your thoughts, and your thoughts control your life."
- "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."
- "The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment."
- "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."
How Can Bob Proctor's Quotes Help Me In My Personal And Professional Life?
Bob Proctor's quotes can help you in many ways, as they are filled with wisdom, inspiration, and practical advice. By incorporating his teachings into your life, you can:
- Improve your self-awareness and gain a better understanding of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions
- Overcome limiting beliefs and develop a more positive and empowering outlook on life
- Make better decisions in your personal and professional life by aligning your choices with your goals and values
- Boost your confidence and self-esteem by embracing your inherent worth and potential
- Transform your life and achieve your full potential by harnessing the power of your mind and applying the principles of success