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Hare: Spiritual Meaning, Dream Meaning, Symbolism & More

Get ready to explore the enchanted realm of the hare, where you can uncover profound insights, totemic wisdom, and hidden symbolism. 

These swift and elusive animals, which represent agility, intuition, and the skill of navigating life's curves, have a special place in the tapestry of spiritual symbolism.

We'll go deeply into the symbolism of hares in this exploration, providing insights that go beyond their quick thinking and perceptiveness.

We'll show you how hares can act as totem animals, including the obstacles they can help you overcome, the deeds they can motivate you to do, and the life-changing solutions they can provide to those who welcome them.

Prepare to step into the wisdom realm and discover the enigmatic mystique of the hare as a spirit animal.

Key Takeaways

  • Symbol Of Fertility: Hares are often associated with fertility and reproduction, symbolizing the abundance of life and the cycles of nature.
  • Symbol Of Speed And Agility: Hares are known for their speed and agility, symbolizing quick thinking, adaptability, and the ability to navigate through challenges swiftly.
  • Symbol Of Rebirth: Hares are associated with rebirth, symbolizing renewal, regeneration, and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Symbol Of Intuition: Hares are considered intuitive animals, symbolizing heightened senses, awareness, and the importance of trusting one's instincts.
  • Symbol Of Timidity: Hares are known for their timidity, symbolizing the importance of caution, sensitivity, and being mindful of one's surroundings.
  • Symbol Of Lunar Connection: Hares are sometimes associated with the moon, symbolizing a connection to lunar energies, mystery, and the unseen.

What Does The Meaning And Symbolism Of The Hare As A Totem Animal And Spirit Mean?

  • The hare holds symbolic meaning as a totem animal and spirit, representing abundance, transformation, and intuition.
  • Known for keen senses, particularly in listening and identifying faint noises, the hare's appearance in your life serves as a reminder to trust your gut and listen to your inner voice.
  • Associated with metamorphosis and reflective of moon phases, the hare symbolizes growth and change, encouraging a welcoming attitude towards personal development and adaptation to life's constant changes.
  • Hare symbolism includes abundance, linking the animal to fertility and prosperity in various cultures. Whether in material wealth or the richness of relationships and experiences, encountering a hare is a reminder of potential abundance.
  • As a spirit and totem animal, the hare guides following instincts, gracefully navigating change, and embracing the abundance present in various aspects of life.

The Hare As A Spirit Animal: Energizing Your Life

Role Key Characteristics
Spirit Animal Heightened awareness, danger detection
Totem Animal A sharp mind, flexibility, and intuition
Power Animal Symbol of fertility, personal growth, wisdom

The hare is an excellent spirit guide for those who wish to get in touch with their instinctual side more. Hare are naturally, as a prey animal, hyper-aware of their surroundings.

They need to be, given that they are often food for so many other animals!




This need to be aware of your environment can feel like a taxing aspect of this spirit animal. But, it is a vital skill for many of us. However, we should not disparage it, just because we find it draining, or a dark reflection of ourselves.

If you feel that you are in an environment that you think isn’t totally safe, then the hare’s guidance will allow you to be aware of potential danger, if or when it emerges.

Alternatively, if you feel that the pace of life around you has slowed down, or ground to a halt, then you should consult the spiritual guidance of the hare if you want to add energy back into your life.

Hare’s are always on the trigger, ready to move with the snap of a finger, or the sign of bad vibes approaching.

If you feel this urgency in your life, that you can sense a change in the surrounding energy, and it’s not for the better, the hare will be your guide through this possible period of frustration for you.

The Hare As A Totem Animal: Uncovering Your Inner Strength

  • Having a hare as your totem animal shares some traits with people who have the rabbit as their totem, but there are notable differences.
  • Unlike those with the rabbit totem, individuals with the hare totem are generally less social and may not actively seek large group events in their everyday lives.
  • Hares, as animals, are not as social as their distant cousins, and this characteristic may be reflected in individuals with the hare as their totem.
  • This doesn't mean that those with a hare totem are loners or dislike people; they still enjoy companionship and can participate in big group activities. However, they are generally more comfortable by themselves than in large groups.
  • People with the hare totem may not be the happiest in large crowds, and their totem can be an indicator of their preference for more solitary activities.
  • Similar to rabbit totems, individuals with the hare totem possess a keen mind, particularly in reading others and their surroundings. Their instincts are usually reliable and trustworthy.
  • When seeking advice from someone with these totem animals on significant decisions or individuals in your life, listening to their gut instinct may provide surprising insights. 

The Hare As A Power Animal: Unlocking Your Potential 

  • Hare As A Symbol Of Fertility And Power: The hare is recognized as a symbol of fertility, representing a potent source of power. Drawing on the hare's symbolism is advised for those seeking growth, whether in emotional intelligence, physical prowess, material endeavors like business ventures, gardening, or starting a family.
  • Expanding Horizons: For individuals looking to expand their horizons, the hare's symbolism of fertility and growth becomes a source of strength. It is particularly beneficial for those aiming to grow in various aspects of their lives.
  • Guidance In Seeking Truth: The hare's heightened awareness and intuition make it an excellent guide for individuals seeking the truth on a subject. Whether assessing a person's suitability for a role during an interview or making decisions about positions within an organization, trusting one's intuition, guided by the hare's symbolism, is crucial.

Analyzing Hare Dream Interpretations: Discover Their Secret Significance

  • Dreaming of a hare can be interpreted similarly to the appearance of a rabbit in dreams.
  • The presence of hares in dreams may signify a desire or hope to start a new family, as both hares and rabbits are symbols of fertility in many cultures.
  • Pay attention to your emotional state during the dream. Joy or excitement may indicate a welcoming attitude toward becoming a parent, while frustration could suggest challenges or unsuccessful attempts to have children.
  • Conflicting feelings about the decision to have kids may manifest in the subconscious, and it's important to address and resolve these emotions before making such a significant choice.
  • If the hare in your dream is white, it symbolizes good fortune coming your way. This could manifest as a successful business venture or positive news within the family.
  • Hares, as symbols of good luck and change, may indicate positive transformations in your life or the lives of those close to you.

Hare Tattoos: Utilizing Ink To Express Symbolism And Spirit

  • Hares in tattoos carry diverse symbolic meanings that vary based on the individual wearing the tattoo.
  • A hare tattoo can symbolize great joy in the wearer's life, possibly related to the addition of a new friend, significant other, or the anticipation of a new child.
  • It may also serve as a symbol of love and devotion to the people in the wearer's life.
  • Due to being prey animals, hares in tattoos can represent defenselessness or, more specifically, innocence.
  • Individuals might choose a rabbit or hare tattoo after experiencing a significant revelation that has altered their perspective on the world.
  • The tattoo could serve as a reminder of a profound lesson learned, possibly stemming from the death of a loved one that shattered a sense of continuity and prompted a shift in their way of thinking.
  • Ultimately, a hare tattoo becomes a permanent reminder of a lesson that the wearer must never forget, whether for the better or worse.

The Spiritual Meaning Of Hares: The Symbolism Of These Animals

  • Hares, like rabbits, are often associated with themes of fertility and growth, linked to various goddesses of nature, love, and family worldwide.
  • They share a close association with the moon, symbolizing mysticism and lunar energy in historical and mythical contexts.
  • Their elusive nature, similar to rabbits, contributes to their connection with the moon, portraying them as beings difficult to catch without the use of traps and tools.
  • Hares are linked to new beginnings and rebirth, particularly due to their activity during and around dawn, symbolizing the arrival of a new day and the opportunities it brings.
  • Signifying tricksters and mischievous nature spirits, hares play a role in folklore where individuals must out-trick the trickster, often resulting in rewards for their skill.
  • In folklore, the catcher may receive practical rewards, such as a tasty stew and fur coat for a trapper, or more spiritually oriented rewards, such as a boon of good luck in various aspects of life.

The Astrological Hare And How It Relates To Your Zodiac Sign

  • The Chinese Zodiac year of the rabbit includes its relatives, such as the hare, and individuals born in this year share similar characteristics.
  • Those born in the year of the hare or rabbit are known for their kindness and friendliness. They are cautious enough not to be considered naive, and their optimism is seen as charming by others.
  • Men born in this zodiac year are family-driven and dedicated to their loved ones. They actively seek opportunities to help those closest to them.
  • Women born in the year of the hare or rabbit are insightful, sensitive, and perceptive of the emotions of those around them. They make efforts to heal emotional strife in their relationships.
  • Individuals born in this zodiac year strive to avoid conflict and violence, preferring compromise and understanding. They are seen as peacekeepers who actively work towards maintaining harmony.
  • While their aversion to conflict is admirable, there is a need to balance it and not avoid all negativity, as excessive avoidance can be tiresome.
  • People born in the year of the hare or rabbit may also display stubborn persistence, which, if not kept in check, can be perceived negatively by others. Balancing this trait with humility is important.

Examining Symbolism In The Literary And Artistic Significance Of Hares

Artwork Artist Artistic Themes
"The White Rabbit" John Tenniel Whimsical, surreal, journey, transformation
"Hare in the Snow" Albrecht Dürer Natural cycles, vitality, life and death

The symbolism of the hare has extended beyond its cultural context to become widely used in a variety of artistic mediums.


Hares are frequently used in literature to symbolize concepts of transformation, intuition, and ethereal beauty.

Their enigmatic quality encourages readers to set out on voyages of discovery by serving as a metaphor for delving deeper into the meanings of both literature and life.

Hares have been depicted in a variety of contexts in the visual arts, from lighthearted and playful images to more complex and symbolic pieces.

Their use in artwork can communicate ideas about life, fertility, or the constantly shifting natural cycles. Hares can be found in poetry, paintings, or sculptures.

They are adaptable symbols that appeal to both artists and viewers, providing a wealth of creative interpretation and inspiration.

The Hare In Japanese Culture And Symbolism

The hare is a common figure in Japanese folklore and cultural customs.

The idea of the "moon rabbit" is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture, and it is directly related to the notion that a rabbit that eats rice cakes called mochi is said to reside on the moon.

This moon rabbit represents generosity, altruism, and the readiness to give up something in order to advance the greater good.

It highlights the significance of these ideals and acts as a reminder of them in Japanese society.

The hare's significance as a messenger and guide—which frequently aids heroes on their quests—is further illustrated by Japanese mythology.

This function emphasizes the hare's representation of knowledge, assistance, and direction.

In Japan, the hare is more than just a natural phenomenon; it is a cultural and spiritual symbol that stands for virtues and ideals that are deeply embedded in the national psyche.

The Hare In Feng Shui: Symbolic Significance And Placement

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method of balancing the energies in living areas. It includes the hare, also called the "rabbit," in its symbology.

In Feng Shui, the hare is linked to longevity, good fortune, and protective forces. Figurines and pictures of rabbits are deliberately used to draw in good vibes and harmonize the flow of Qi (life force) in the house or office.

Because of its innate ties to the moon, the hare is a symbol of Yin energy, which is defined by openness, reflection, and feminine traits.

During the Moon Festival, a customary celebration where rabbit-shaped cakes are a delicacy, rabbit imagery has special meaning.

The hare is a key component of Feng Shui because of its association with the phases of the moon and its symbolic meaning of rebirth and transformation.

It is said that hanging decorations of rabbits in particular rooms of the house will improve harmony, bring good luck, and draw protective energies, all of which will ensure happy experiences.

Spiritual Meaning of hare

The Hare Meaning In The Bible: Sacred And Symbolic Significance

Hares are mentioned in the Bible in relation to dietary laws, most notably in Leviticus 11:6.

According to the Bible, hares are dirty animals that should not be eaten because they chew their cud but do not have cloven hooves.

This biblical distinction is a testament to the symbolic significance of hares in matters of purity and dietary restrictions, and it has religious significance in the context of Jewish dietary regulations.

Although hares are not prominent characters in biblical stories, their inclusion in dietary laws highlights their symbolic significance in matters pertaining to ritual purity and religious observance.

This biblical allusion illustrates the societal and religious context in which hares were considered filthy animals and the dietary regulations were intended to guide the Israelites in maintaining spiritual and ritual purity.

The Folkloric Significance Of Hare In Celtic And Anglo-Saxon Mythology: A Closer Look

  • Native to the British Isles and mainland Europe, hares are featured in various myths and tales in the United Kingdom and beyond.
  • The well-known tale of The Tortoise and the Hare is an example of stories that include hares.
  • Due to their lack of sexual dimorphism, British and European folklore portrayed hares as androgynous creatures, believed to have the ability to change their gender through unknown means.
  • In Celtic folklore, hares are often associated with the unseen world of spirits and fey creatures. Stories depict individuals following rabbits and hares into bushes and forests, leading them to the courts of otherworldly powers.
  • An example includes the tale of the warrior Oisin, who followed a wounded hare through shrubbery and ended up at the foot of a throne with a wounded woman sitting on it.
  • These tales have had a lasting impact on British literary works, with influences seen in stories like Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Native American Hare Mythology

HaresIin Indigenous Stories

Hares are prevalent in indigenous stories across North America, often portrayed as creatures with good intentions, serving as allies to humans and spiritual figures.


Algonquin Reverence

The Algonquin people held a special reverence for the hare, believing it played a crucial role in shaping the world. The Great Hare, in Algonquin mythology, bestowed knowledge upon humans, enabling communication with the natural world and the use of fire as a tool.


Respected Teachers And Mischief-Makers

Hares are revered as great teachers in indigenous folklore, thanks to their pivotal role in shaping the world. Despite this, they maintain a mischievous reputation as tricksy beings. Their somewhat cartoonish proportions also lead them to appear as clowns or jesters in Native American folktales.


Clowns And Jesters In Folktales 

Hares, due to their proportions, are depicted as clowns or jesters in folktales from various Native American tribes. The exact interpretation of this role remains somewhat unclear.


Fear Confrontation And Summons

In some narratives, hares are seen as beings capable of calling out and summoning the things they fear. This action is interpreted as a method to draw out fears into the open, possibly serving as a test for individuals to confront and overcome their fears.


Meeting A Hare: Symbolism And Hidden Meanings

Context Meaning
Seeing a Hare Good fortune, luck, positive omens
Need for Action Sign of quick action, seize opportunities
Hearing a Hare Use caution, focus, and danger detection
Seeing a Dead Hare Mortality, loss, transformation

Seeing a hare in the wild or on a regular basis can have different connotations.

Seeing a hare is regarded as fortunate in numerous cultures. Their existence is frequently connected to auspicious omens and could portend good fortune and things to come.

The hare's quick and nimble movements can represent the need to move quickly or take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.

In this situation, seeing a hare motivates one to move forward with their projects.

Listening To The Whisper Of The Hare: Symbolic Meanings And Messages

Although it is rare to hear hare sounds because they are usually quiet, it is possible to interpret them symbolically.

Hearing a hare is considered to be a warning sign in certain traditions. Hares are renowned for having acute senses and fast danger detection.

Thus, hearing a hare could be interpreted as a warning to be aware of one's surroundings and potential dangers.

It acts as a reminder to remain watchful and trust one's gut feeling in order to successfully negotiate life's obstacles.

Encountering The Lifeless Hare: Symbolism And Interpretations

Finding a dead hare can cause a person to experience a variety of feelings and ideas.

Finding a dead hare may be interpreted in some cultures as a representation of the cyclical nature of life and death.

It might serve as a reminder of our mortality and the transience of life. However, different belief systems and personal viewpoints can have very different interpretations of what it means to see a dead hare.

Because of the hare's mythological association with cycles and change, some people may interpret it as a bad omen or a symbol of loss, while others may see it more positively as a symbol of transformation and rebirth.

In the end, how one interprets this encounter depends on their cultural background, beliefs, and situation.

A Variety Of Symbolic Hare Shades

Symbolism Category Explanation
Fertility Symbol of fertility, prolific breeding
Transformation Fur color change, adaptability, personal growth
Trickster Symbol Intelligence, spontaneity, and wit
Lunar Symbolism Connection to the moon, intuition
Symbol of Rebirth Born with open eyes, new beginnings
  • Fertility And Reproduction: Hares have long been associated with fertility and reproduction in various cultures. Their prolific breeding habits, characterized by the phrase "breeding like rabbits," have led to their symbolism as creatures of fertility and new life.
  • Transformation: The ability of hares to change the color of their fur with the seasons—typically going from brown or gray in the winter to white in the snow—is a symbol of adaptability and transformation. This quality has given rise to symbolic meanings about maturing as a person and adjusting to shifting circumstances.
  • Trickster Symbol: In folklore, hares are sometimes regarded as cunning tricksters because of their elusive and sly nature. This trickster quality represents cunning, unpredictable behavior, and the capacity to use wit and inventiveness to overcome obstacles in life.
  • Lunar Symbolism: Hares are frequently associated with the moon. In some cultures, the markings on the moon's surface are said to resemble a hare, leading to lunar symbolism. This connection with the moon signifies intuition, femininity, and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Symbol Of Rebirth: Hares, like rabbits, have a reputation for being born with their eyes open, representing a connection to rebirth and renewal. They are often seen as messengers of change, transformation, and the emergence of new beginnings.

Hare's Wisdom: Insights From Folk Sayings

Mad As A March Hare: The saying comes from the wild and crazy ways that hares behave in March, when they are breeding. It describes a person who exhibits extremely illogical or eccentric behavior.

Hare-Brained: Describing someone's idea as "hare-brained" means it's reckless or lacking sensible thinking, alluding to the hare's unpredictable and impulsive behavior.

Harefooted: This saying refers to someone who is incredibly fast and agile, akin to the swiftness of a hare.

Running With The Hare And Hunting With The Hounds: This phrase describes a person who makes an effort to maintain good relations with all parties involved in a dispute. It illustrates the hare's skill at deftly navigating hazardous situations.

Following The Trail Of Hare Deities: The Impact Of Mythology


Eostre (Ostara)

In Germanic pagan traditions, Eostre, the goddess of spring and dawn, was often associated with hares. Her name is the origin of the word "Easter," and hares were sacred to her as symbols of fertility and renewal.


Celtic Goddess Andraste

Andraste was a goddess of Celtic mythology, connected to the hare and frequently called upon when hunting was involved. Her sacred animals, the hare, stood for the untamed and wild sides of the natural world.


Nanabozho (Great Rabbit)

In Native American Ojibwe mythology, Nanabozho is a key figure who often takes the form of a great rabbit or hare. He is regarded as a teacher and a trickster and is involved in many creation stories.


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Hare Of Inaba (Inaba-no-Shirousagi)

The Hare of Inaba is a major figure in a tale that represents dishonesty and divine retribution in Japanese folklore. Despite not being a god, the hare is an important character in the story and is frequently connected to themes of veracity and honesty.

 Spiritual Meaning of hare

Hare Facts & Trivia

  • Species Diversity: The Leporidae family of mammals includes a diverse group of animals known as hares. These include jackrabbit, snowshoe hare, and European hare species. Every species has developed particular environmental adaptations.
  • Dietary Habits: Hares are primarily herbivores, feeding on a variety of plant materials such as grass, herbs, and woody plants. They play a vital role in shaping vegetation through their grazing habits.
  • Nocturnal Behavior: Many hare species are nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night. This behavior helps them avoid predators and stay cool in warm climates.
  • Inhabiting Various Habitats: Hares are incredibly versatile animals that live in a variety of settings, including deserts, grasslands, and forests. To survive in these various habitats, they have evolved unique adaptations.
  • Incredible Speed: Hares are known for their exceptional speed and agility. They can run at high speeds to escape from predators, and their large hind legs aid in swift locomotion.

Organizations Dedicated To Hare Protection

The Hare Preservation Trust: This UK-based organization is dedicated to the preservation and safeguarding of hare populations. To protect hare populations, they engage in advocacy, education, and research.

The Wildlife Trusts: The goal of this network of regional wildlife conservation groups in the UK is to save a variety of animals, including hares. They carry out studies to benefit hare populations and advocate for the preservation of habitat.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF): WWF is a global organization dedicated to wildlife conservation. They have initiatives aimed at protecting hares and their habitats, especially in areas where hares are endangered.

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Practical Applications Of Hare Symbolism In Daily Life

  • Adaptability: Hare symbolism encourages us to embrace adaptability in our lives. Like hares, we should be open to change and agile in our responses to new situations. This can help us navigate life's challenges more effectively.
  • Fertility And Renewal: Hare symbolism is frequently connected to rebirth and fertility. It can act as a reminder to cherish times of rejuvenation and personal development in day-to-day living. Hare symbolism can encourage positive change in a variety of contexts, such as the beginning of a new project.
  • Trickster Wisdom: Hare symbolism as a trickster figure can remind us to approach problems with creativity and wit. It encourages us to find unconventional solutions to challenges and to keep a sense of humor in difficult situations.
  • Lunar Connection: The lunar symbolism of hares encourages us to connect with our intuition and the feminine aspects of our personalities. This can be applied by paying attention to our dreams, intuition, and inner wisdom.
  • Protection Of Nature: Hares are often associated with the natural world. By understanding and embracing hare symbolism, we can develop a deeper appreciation for nature and work towards protecting the environment and wildlife.
  • Speed And Agility: Hares' incredible speed and agility can inspire us to stay active and maintain physical well-being. Incorporating regular exercise into our daily routines can help us feel more vibrant and energetic.
  • Folklore And Mythology: It can be a daily practice to learn about the symbolism of hares in the mythology and folklore of various cultures. Examining these tales can yield insightful knowledge and a more profound comprehension of the symbolism and cultural relevance.

Hare – Symbolic Meanings

So, as we’ve seen, hares have come to mean a lot when it comes to understanding their and our spirituality.

Here are just some of the things they are known for:

  • Athleticism
  • Knowledge & Wisdom
  • Family & Togetherness
  • Lunar energy
  • The coming of Dawn
  • Fertility
  • Innocence
  • Conflict resolution
  • Intuition
  • Androgyny

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does It Mean If I Keep Seeing Hares Or Rabbits In My Daily Life?

Seeing rabbits or hares on a regular basis may be a sign from the universe or your subconscious. It could represent rebirth, fertility, or the need to become more flexible in your life. For a more individualized interpretation, consider the circumstances surrounding these sightings as well as your emotions.

Is There A Difference Between Hare And Rabbit Symbolism?

Despite having similar looks, hares and rabbits frequently have distinct symbolic meanings. Rabbits are frequently connected to fertility, fresh starts, and family, whereas hares are more frequently connected to trickster figures, lunar symbolism, and creativity.

Are Hares Considered Lucky Symbols In Any Cultures?

Indeed, hares are lucky symbols in some cultures. For instance, hares are thought to be lucky charms and symbols of cunning and inventiveness in some African cultures.

What Should I Do If I Dream About A Hare?

A hare in your dream may represent fertility, personal development, or the need to adjust to a new circumstance. Think about the hare's actions and the feelings it arouses in your dream. It might offer insights into your waking life.

Are There Any Specific Rituals Or Practices Related To Hare Symbolism?

There are rituals in some cultures that involve hare symbolism, especially in relation to fertility and renewal. To invoke the symbolic qualities of the hare, these practices may involve songs, dances, or ceremonies.

Can Hare Symbolism Be A Negative Omen?

In general, the symbolism of hares is positive, highlighting qualities such as fertility, adaptability, and cleverness. Like any symbol, there are different ways to interpret it. Hare symbolism may sometimes be connected to trickster elements, which can motivate you to approach circumstances with wit and humor.

How Can I Connect With Hare Symbolism In My Daily Life?

By studying about hare symbolism in various cultures and seeing how they behave in the wild, you can establish a connection with it. You can also be reminded of their symbolism by adding hare motifs or imagery to your surroundings or personal accessories.

Are Hares Endangered, And What Can I Do To Help Protect Them?

Though not all hare species are in danger of extinction, habitat loss and other factors are causing population declines in some of them. Support wildlife conservation groups, push for the preservation of hare habitat, and be aware of how human activity affects their ecosystems in order to contribute to the protection of hares.

Can Hare Symbolism Help Me With Personal Growth And Self-Improvement?

Indeed, hare symbolism can offer direction for one's personal development. Accepting the qualities of hares, like renewal and adaptability, can motivate you to make positive changes in your life. Make use of the symbolism of hares to inspire and reflect on.

How Do Different Cultures View Hare Symbolism, And Are There Common Themes?

Though hare symbolism varies among cultures, fertility, rebirth, adaptability, and cunning are frequently present themes. In addition, hares are frequently depicted as tricksters or metamorphosis symbols in a wide variety of folktales and legends.

Hare: Spiritual Meaning, Dream Meaning, Symbolism & More