370 Known Rhonda Byrne’s Quotes To Achieve Abundance
"It Is Impossible To Feel Bad And At The Same Time Have Good Thoughts.”- Rhonda Byrne
Rhonda Byrne is a name that has become synonymous with positivity, self-help, and the law of attraction.
She is a renowned Australian author, television writer, and producer who has captured the attention of millions of people around the world with her empowering message of hope and belief in the power of the human mind.
Byrne is best known for her groundbreaking book, "The Secret," which was published in 2006 and quickly became a global phenomenon.
The book, which is based on the law of attraction, has sold over 30 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 50 languages.
But Rhonda Byrne's influence goes far beyond just her bestselling book.
She has become a household name, inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds with her uplifting messages of hope and positivity.
Her quotes, in particular, have resonated with many, becoming a source of motivation and inspiration for those seeking to improve their lives.
One of Byrne's most famous quotes is "The universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting."
This quote encapsulates the law of attraction, which is the idea that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality.
In other words, the energy we put out into the world comes back to us in the form of experiences, opportunities, and even people.
Another popular quote by Byrne is "Gratitude is the key to a happy life."
This simple yet powerful statement reminds us of the importance of being grateful for what we have, rather than focusing on what we lack.
Gratitude, according to Byrne, is the key to attracting more abundance and happiness into our lives.
Byrne's quotes are not only inspiring, but they are also practical.
They offer concrete steps for how to change our thoughts and beliefs in order to create the life we desire.
For example, she advises, "Visualize this thing you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build."
This quote emphasizes the importance of visualization and belief in achieving our goals.
Over time, Rhonda Byrne's quotes have become a source of inspiration and guidance for millions of people around the world.
They offer a roadmap for how to improve our lives by changing our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes.
Her message is simple yet profound: we have the power to create the life we want, and it all starts with our mindset.
Quotes From The Secret Book
“Your thoughts become things.”
“Everything else you see and experience in this world is an effect, and that includes your feelings. The cause is always your thoughts.”
“When you conceive something in your mind, know it is a fact, and that there can be no question about its manifestation.”
“There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.”
“Remember that you are a magnet, attracting everything to you.”
“There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change! ”

“The reason visualization is so powerful is because as you create pictures in your mind of seeing yourself with what it is you want, you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now.”
“It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have. Why? Because the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are all negative emotions.”
“If you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life.”
"A person who sets his or her mind on the dark side of life, who lives over and over the misfortunes and disappointments of the past, prays for similar misfortunes and disappointments in the future."
"Go for the inner joy, the inner peace, the inner vision first, and then all of the outer things appear."
"Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts, and you can change your life."
"You create your own universe as you go along."
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"Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force."
"Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency."
"Everything else you see and experience in this world is effect, and that includes your feelings. The cause is always your thoughts."
"Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes all the great things and all the things you consider not so great."
“You are the one who calls the law of attraction into action, and you do it through your thoughts. ”
"Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything.”
“See the things that you want as already yours.”
“Whenever you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you are right. (Henry Ford) ”
“Your power is in your thoughts, so stay awake. In other words, remember to remember.”
“Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good.”
"Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.”
“As you think of yourself living in abundance, you are powerfully and consciously determining your life through the law of attraction.”
“If you have an intuitive or instinctive feeling, follow it, and you will find that the Universe is magnetically moving you to receive what you asked for.”
“The truth is that the universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are awake.”
“It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars.”
“Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education, and peace. :-)”
“The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now!”
“If you are feeling good, it is because you are thinking good thoughts .”
"Giving is a powerful action to bring more money into your life, because when you are giving you are saying, “I have plenty.”
"You can change your life and you can heal yourself.”
“The key is your thoughts and feelings, and you have been holding the key in your hand all of your life.”
“Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.”
“Our feelings are a feedback mechanism to us about whether we’re on track or not, whether we’re on course or off course.”
“Your wealth is waiting for you in the invisible, and to bring it into the visible, think wealth!”
“How it will happen, how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you.”
“The Universe is a masterpiece of abundance.”
"Decide what you want to be, do, and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life."

"There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change!"
"If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing your thoughts."
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."
"Don’t become mesmerized by the pictures that have appeared if they are not what you want. Take responsibility for them, make light of them if you can, and let them go."
"You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy just changes form. And that means You! The true essence of You, the pure energy of You, has always been and always will be. You can never not be."
"Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it. Believe it’s possible for you."
"There are no limits to what you can create for you because your ability to think is unlimited!"
"Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous cures."
"If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand."
"Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again."
"Remove physiological stress from the body, and the body does what it was designed to do. It heals itself."
"It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time be having good thoughts."
"The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts."
"What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become."
“When you visualize then you materialize.”
"You are the masterpiece of your own life."
"As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never-ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for."
"You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most."
"Whenever you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right."
“The daily practice of gratitude is one of the conduits by which your wealth will come to you.”
“The emotions are an incredible gift that we have to let us know what we’re thinking.”
"Whatever you sow, you reap! Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant."
"Let go of difficulties from your past, cultural codes, and social beliefs. You are the only one who can create the life you deserve."
"It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction."
"The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about."
“Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life.”
“Success comes from within, not from without.”
“Expectation is a powerful attractive force.”
“The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want.”
“Your joy lies within you.”
"Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head."

Quotes From The Power Book
"Whatever you can imagine is waiting for you, fully created in the invisible, and the way to make it visible is to harness the force of love by imagining and feeling what you love."
"Let go of the things you don't love about your childhood, and keep the things you love. Let go of the things you don't love about your adolescent and adult years, and keep the good things. Just keep the things you love about your whole life."
"Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you can change the way you feel."
"So how do you fall in love with life? The same way you fall in love with another person -- you adore everything about them! You fall in love with another person by seeing only love, hearing only love, speaking only love, and by feeling love with all your heart! And that is exactly how you use the ultimate power of love in love with life."
"Whatever is in your magnetic field is attracting to itself, and so the more love in your field, the more power you have to attract the things you love."
"When anything good happens to you in your day, give thanks. It doesn't matter how small it is, say thank you. When you get the perfect parking space, hear your favorite song on the radio, approach a light that turns green, or find an empty seat on the bus or train, say thank you. These are all good things that you are receiving from life."
"Life is supposed to be fun! When you're having fun, you feel great and you receive great things! Having fun brings the life you want, and taking things too seriously brings a life you have to take seriously."
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"The difference between someone who is struggling and someone who has a fabulous life comes down to one thing -- love. Those who have a great life imagine what they love and want, and they feel the love of what's they're imagining more than other people."
"You are the driver of your mind, so take charge and keep it busy with your instructions by telling it where you want it to go. Your mind only takes off on its own if you are not telling it what to do."
"Many people don't know about the power of good feelings, and so their feelings are reactions or responses to what happens to them. They have put their feelings on automatic pilot, instead of deliberately taking charge of them."
"The more love you give in your day-to-day life, the greater the magnetic power of love you have in the field around you, and everything you want will fall at your feet."
"Being healthy is feeling the same way as little children feel. Little children are bursting with energy every day. Their bodies feel light and flexible; moving is effortless. They're light on their feet. Their minds are clear; they're happy, and free of worry and stress. They sleep deeply and peacefully every night, and they wake up feeling completely refreshed, as if with a brand-new body. They feel passionate and excited about every new day. Look at little children and you will see what being healthy really means. It is the way you used to feel, and it is the way you should still feel."
"When you're feeling joyful, you are giving joy, and you'll receive back joyful experiences, joyful situations, and joyful people, wherever you go. From the smallest experience of your favorite song playing on the radio to bigger experiences of receiving a pay raise -- all of the circumstances you experiences are the law of attraction responding to your feeling of joy."
"You are the ruler of a kingdom, and whatever you think and feel becomes the law of your kingdom -- the law within your body."

"Whatever story you tell, whether good or bad, will be the story of your life. So start telling the story of your amazing life, and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it."
"Whatever you believe about your body, your cells believe too. They don't question anything you think, feel, or believe. In fact, they hear every thought, feeling, and belief you have."
"Your imagination is more real that then the world you see, because the world you see comes from what you imagine and believe! What you believe and feel to be true is what will be your life."
"Before you eat food or drink water, look at what you're about to eat or drink and feel love and gratitude. Make sure your conversations are positive when you are sitting down to a meal."
"What does it mean to be healthy? You may think that being healthy means that you are not sick, but being healthy is far more than that. If you feel okay, or average, or nothing much at all, you are not healthy."
"If you think or say, 'I always get jetlag when I travel,' your cells receive 'jetlag' as a command, and they must carry out your instructions. Think and feel that you have a weight problem, and your cells receive the order of a weight problem. They must follow your instructions and keep your body in an overweight condition."
"If you're not feeling good and you want to change the way you feel, or if you want to lift good feelings higher, then take a minute or two and god through a mental list of everything you love and adore. You can do it while getting dressed in the morning, walking, driving or traveling anywhere."
"Gratitude is the great multiplier, so say thank you for your health every single day."
"Remember it only takes giving love and good feelings a minimum of 51 percent of the time to reach the tipping point and change everything."
RELATED: 135 Gratitude Affirmations For Any Time, For Anyone
Believe & Manifestation Tips & Quotes
"Your imagination is an extremely powerful tool."
"The power to everything you want is inside you."
"Start thinking happy thoughts and start being happy."
"People who have drawn wealth into their life lives used The Secret, whether consciously or unconsciously. They think thoughts of abundance and wealth, and they do not allow any contradictory thoughts to take root in their minds."
"Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency, and you will attract much better things.”
"There is always something to be grateful for."

"Feel love and gratitude for everyone and everything everyday."
"Life isn’t happening to you, life is responding to you. You recieve everything in your life based on what you’ve given."
"I was trying to change things on the outside and you can’t. You’ve got to feel it on the inside and everything else will change.”
"If you are feeling good , it is because you are thinking good thoughts."
"Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect."
"Make a written list of everything you love."
"You must focus on abundance to bring more abundance to you."
"What do you want more than anything right now?. Think about it a lot, feel it, and you will receive it."
"Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her."
"Everyone has the power to visualise."
"Think it, feel it, receive it."
"Believing involves thinking, talking, and acting as though you have already received."
"Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education and peace."
"When you look at yourself and feel dissatisfaction about any part of you, you will continue to attract feelings of dissatisfaction, because the law mirrors back to you exactly what you are holding inside. Be in awe and wonder at the magnificence of you."
"Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind."
"Your mind is shaping the world around you."
"People go through their whole lives chasing everything in the material world, and they fail to discover the greatest treasure of all, which is within them."
"Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether."
"What you’re thinking right now is creating your future. You’re always thinking, and you are always creating."
"Whatever you desire on any subject, health, wealth, career, or love, is on the frequency of feeling good. You’ve got to feel good to receive it."
"Your thoughts are a creative power to use to materialise your dream."
"Shut your eyes to the outside world. Direct your thoughts and words to the inside of you. The Master within you is the key to all treasures in the world."
"Learn from your mistakes, otherwise you will have unnecessary pain."
"Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful. Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life."
"The power within you is greater than the power within the world."
"Decide what you want … believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you."
"If you focus completely on the things you love, then you are on your way to a beautiful life."
"Illness cannot exist in a body that has harmonious thoughts."
"It only takes a minute to cause hurt but sometimes a lifetime to repair. Be careful with your words and actions."
"Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet."
"To attract the things we love we must transmit love, and those things will appear immediately."
"Life is simple. Your life is made up of only two kinds of things – positive things and negative things.”
"When you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thinking."
"Joy attracts more joy. Happiness attracts more happiness. Peace attracts more peace. GRATITUDE attracts more GRATITUDE. Kindness attracts more kindness. Love attracts more love. Your job is an inside one. To change your world, all you have to do is change the way you feel inside. How easy is that?"
"See yourself living in a new body. Hopeful = recovery. Happy = happier biochemistry. Stress degrades the body."
"Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day."
"It may seem like a big risk to follow your dream, but isn't the greatest risk of all to miss your life?"
"Faith is trusting in the good. Fear is putting your trust in the bad."
"You must believe that you have received. You must know that what you want is your the moment you ask."
"Choose your thoughts carefully <…> you are the masterpiece of your own life."

"You cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As you focus on the world’s negative events, you not only add to them, but you also bring more negative things into your own life.”
"Your feelings are your greatest tools to help you create your life."
"You have to talk about what you love, to bring what you love to you."
"In the moment you ask, and believe and know you already have it in the unseen, the entire Universe shifts to bring it into the seen."
"Love is appreciating, complimenting, feeling gratitude, and speaking good words to others."
"Your ability to think is unlimited, and so the things you can think into existence are unlimited."
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Law Of Attraction Quotes
“The life of your dreams, everything you would love to be, do or have, has always been closer to you than you knew, because the power to everything you want is inside you.”
“You are meant to have an amazing life.”
“Play the picture in your mind – focus on the end result.”
"Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts.”
“We become what we think about. Energy flows where attention goes.”
“To use the law of attraction to your advantage, make it a habitual way of being, not just a one-time event.”
“The law of attraction says that like attracts like, and when you think and feel what you want to attract on the inside, the law will use people, circumstances and events to magnetize what you want.”
“I’m so happy and grateful now that…”
“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.”
“Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy.”
“VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future.”
“You attract your dominant thoughts.”
“To attract money, you must focus on wealth.”
“Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more good things.”
“Start telling the story of your amazing life, and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it!”
“You will attract everything that you require.”
“Your feelings are your greatest tools to help you create your life.”
“All stress begins with one negative thought.”
“If you practice gratitude a little, your life will change a little. If you practice gratitude a lot every day, your life will change dramatically and in ways that you can hardly imagine.”
“We are the creators of our universe.”
“As you ask and feel and believe, you will receive.”
“Trust the Universe. Trust and believe and have faith.”
“There are no accidents or coincidences in life – everything is synchronicity – because everything has a frequency. It’s simply the physics of life and the universe in action.”
"Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately.”
“We are like magnets – like attract like. You become AND attract what you think.”
“The law of attraction is the law of creation. Quantum physicists tell us that the entire Universe emerged from thought!”

“You are the only one that creates your reality.”
“VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins.”
“The more love you give in your day-to-day life, the greater the magnetic power of love you have in the field around you, and everything you want will fall at your feet.”
“Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances.”
“Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.”
“Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.”
“What you are thinking now is creating your future life.”
“Remember, if you are criticising, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful.”
“When we open our minds to the unlimited creative power, we will call forth abundance and see and experience a whole new world.”
“Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her.”
“The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing.”
“Whatever you believe about your body, your cells believe too. They don’t question anything you think, feel, or believe. In fact, they hear every thought, feeling, and belief you have.”
“The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction that says like attracts like, so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.”
“Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want – and the feeling of having it already.”
"Difficult times are the greatest opportunities in disguise. When we face difficult times we have to put in determined work to get ourselves into joy. Difficult times are your greatest opportunity to practice yourself into joy!”
“Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant.”
“Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous cures.”
“Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source – you.”
"To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not your complaints.”
“Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly.”
“You have to talk about what you love, to bring what you love to you.”
“Your imagination is more real that then the world you see, because the world you see comes from what you imagine and believe! What you believe and feel to be true is what will be your life.”
“Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect.”
“It’s impossible to feel sad or have any negative feeling when you’re grateful. If you’re in the midst of a difficult situation, look for something to be grateful for.”
"Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself.”
“The universe likes SPEED. Don’t delay, don’t second-guess, don’t doubt…”
“Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.”
“Your happiness depends upon your very own thoughts. No one else can think your thoughts for you. Deliberately think thoughts of what you want because they’re the thoughts that make you happy.”
"When you emit the perfect frequency of what you want, the perfect people, circumstances, and events will be attracted to you and delivered!”
“There is no greater power in the Universe than the power of love. The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. If you could wrap every thought in love, if you could love everything and everyone, your life would be transformed.”
"You can’t change a negative situation with bad feelings. If you keep reacting negatively, your bad feelings will magnify and multiply the negativity.”
“You have to feel love to harness its power!”
"The time to embrace your magnificence is now.”
“Life is so much easier than you think it is, and as you come to understand the way life works, and the power you have inside you, you will experience the magic of life in its fullness.”
“You are the driver of your mind, so take charge and keep it busy with your instructions by telling it where you want it to go. Your mind only takes off on its own if you are not telling it what to do.”
“There is no excuse not to give two minutes today to intend your tomorrow.”
“Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.”
“You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy just changes form. And that means You! The true essence of You, the pure energy of You, has always been and always will be. You can never not be.”
"To attract money, you must focus on wealth. It is impossible to bring more money into your life when you are noticing you do not have enough, because that means you are thinking thoughts that you do not have enough.”
"The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial and impersonal as the law of gravity is. It is precise and it is exact.”
"You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose.”
"When you make feeling good a priority, that magnificent frequency will radiate and touch everyone close to you.”
"You have the freedom to choose to be optimistic or pessimistic. You can peel off your old attitude like a suit of clothes, and put on a brand spanking new attitude every single day. It’s as simple as that.”
“People are responsible for their own joy.”
"Every day, in every moment, you make the choice whether to love and harness the positive force – or not.”

Some More Quotes
"It’s never too late to change anything or everything; there is no point that is too low to come back from. There is no opportunity that is lost. And the great news is that it’s not the world you need change. Just change the way you think, change the way you feel, and the world as you know it will change before your eyes.”
“Whatever you sow, you reap!”
"In your life, the law operates on your thoughts and feelings, because they are energy too, and so whatever you think, whatever you feel, you attract to you.”
"Believing contains no doubt. Believing.”
“LOA is simply figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having it NOW.”
"The more you practice and begin to see the law of attraction bringing things to you, the greater the magnet you will become, because you will add the power of faith, belief, and knowing.”
“The Law of One – You!”
“It is important to remember that we are energy. Einstein told us that. And energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form.”
"In the future, if life presents you with a challenging situation that you think you have no control over, and you’re at a loss as to what to do, instead of worry or fear, turn to the magic of gratitude and be grateful for everything else in your life. When you deliberately thank the goodness in your life, the circumstances around the challenging.”
“You change your life with one happy thought at a time.”
"Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency.”
"DR. JOE VITALE It’s really important that you feel good, because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the Universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good, and are able to keep bringing you up higher and higher.”
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"If you’re feeling good, then you’re creating a future that’s on track with your desires. If you’re feeling bad, you’re creating a future that’s off track with your desires. As you go about your day, the law of attraction is working in every second. Everything we think and feel is creating our future. If you’re worried or in fear, then you’re bringing more of that into your life throughout the day.”
"I looked at what my talents and desires are and decided to start my own business. I like the advantage of being able to work at a slower pace if I need to do that and there is no one pressuring me to work faster.”
“Her children by herself after twenty years of an abusive.”
"When you are on a feeling frequency of love, then only people who are on the same feeling frequency as you are can come into your life.”

“Love will do anything for you, but you have to unite with it, through love, to realize its power in your life.”
"Neville recommends at the end of every day, before you go to sleep, to think through the events of the day. If any events or moments did not go the way you wanted, replay them in your mind in a way that thrills you. As you recreate those events in your mind exactly as you want, you are cleaning up your frequency from the day and you are emitting a new signal and frequency for tomorrow. You have intentionally created new picture for your future. It is never too late to change the pictures.”
“Be careful of your mood and feelings, for there is an unbroken connection between your feelings and your visible world.”
“Decide right now that you are going to think only good thoughts. At the same time, proclaim to the Universe that all your good thoughts are powerful, and that any negative thoughts are weak.”
"The amount you give in gratitude is exactly proportional to the amount you receive in return. You control the amount you receive, by the amount of gratitude you give!”
“Through being fired I was given the perfect circumstances to finally answer my calling and live my dream, and I remain grateful to this day for that television network firing me. Without them, I would have refused the call to follow my dream, and I would have missed living the most exciting and fulfilling journey of my life.”
"You have the power to change anything, because you are the one who chooses your thoughts and you are the one who feels your feelings.”
"We can never bring anything to us unless we are grateful for what we have. In fact, if somebody were completely and utterly grateful for everything, they would never have to ask for anything, because it would be given to them before they even asked.”
“The flipside is that when we’re not counting our blessings, we can fall into the trap of unintentionally counting negative things.”
"Focusing on problems attracts more problems. You have to be a magnet to the solution, not a magnet to the problem. Being grateful that you have the solution, and that it has been resolved, attracts the solution.”
"It doesn’t matter how many people are thinking negatively about someone; if that person is in joy those thoughts can never reach them, because they are on a different frequency. Instead, all the negative thoughts will multiply and return to the people who were thinking them.”
"Your current thoughts are creating your future life.”
"To create your tomorrow, go over your day tonight when you are in bed just before you fall asleep, and feel gratitude for the good moments. If there was something you wanted to happen differently, replay it in your mind the way you wanted it to go. As you fall asleep, say, “I will sleep deeply and wake up full of energy. Tomorrow is going to be the most beautiful day of my life.” Good night!”
"Every person has their own unique circumstances to overcome, but every single person has the opportunity to achieve anything – and change everything.”
"When you’re feeling down, did you know that you can change it in an instant? Put on a beautiful piece of music, or start singing – that’ll change your emotion. Or think of something beautiful. Think of a baby or somebody that you truly love, and dwell on it.”
"I started out giving thanks for small things, and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That’s because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of.”
"No matter what the odds, we can make this lifetime the best it can be. Think of the story about Morris Goodman in the film of The Secret. Morris lay in hospital completely paralyzed, only able to blink his eyes. But he knew he could still use his mind to visualize, and, against all odds, Morris walked.”
"For many of us, the only time we are not thinking is when we are asleep; however, the forces of attraction are still operating on our last thoughts as we fall asleep. Make your last thoughts before going to sleep good thoughts.”
"Just the simple process of letting go of negative thoughts will allow your natural state of health to emerge within you.”
“They remember to do it all the time.”
"Healthy respect for yourself.”
"Love is not weak, feeble or soft. Love is the positive force of life. Love is the cause of everything positive and good.”
"Whatever feelings you have within you are attracting your tomorrow. Worry attracts more worry. Anxiety attracts more anxiety. Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness. Dissatisfaction attracts more dissatisfaction.”
"When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator.”
"The word courage comes from the French word coeur, which means “heart.” When you go ahead and do something despite the fear you feel, courage arises from within your heart.”
"When you find your purpose, it is like your heart has been set alight with passion. You know it absolutely, without any doubt.”
"Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not – NOW is the time to change them. You can begin right were you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.”
"Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them or not.”
"Out of my greatest dispair, was to come my greatest gift.”
"The only difference between people who are really living this way is they have habituated ways of being.”
"One energy field. Our bodies have distracted us from our energy. We are the infinite field of unfolding possibilities. The creative force.”
"To not love ourselves can keep what we want from us.”
"You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want faster.”
RELATED: 210 Inspiring Quotes To Motivate Men
"By all means ask for abundance and health for you, but also ask for it to be given to everyone.”
"You create your life. Whatever you sow, you reap! Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant.”
"BOB PROCTOR If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.”
"I am content and happy with my situation and like the flexibility that comes with being self-employed. And it’s nice to know that I can contribute something to society.”
"You want to become aware of your thoughts and choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpting is you.”
"You cannot create in another’s life against their will, but if it is something they want, your thoughts are a real force that helps them.”
"All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.”
"People think about what they don’t want and attract more of the same.”
"You get exactly what you are FEELING.”
"You don’t need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself.”
"Change your thoughts and think about something good, and when the good feelings start to come you will know it was because You shifted yourself on to a new frequency, and the Universe has confirmed it with better feelings.”
"Go for the sense of inner joy and peace then all outside things appear.”
"And allow the world as others choose to see it, exist as well.”
"You can change your life, because you have an unlimited ability to think and talk about what you love, and so you have an unlimited ability to bring everything good in life to you.”

"Look for the gifts in everything, especially when you are facing what appears to be a negative situation. Everything that we attract causes us to grow, which means that ultimately everything is for our own good.”
"To experience deep gratitude, sit down and write a list of the things you are grateful for. Keep writing your list until your eyes are overflowing with tears. As the tears come, you will feel the most beautiful feeling around your heart and all through the inside of you. This is the feeling of true.”
“You are a genius beyond description, so start telling yourself that and become aware of who you really are.”
"Something good is just about to happen.”
"I AM receiving every good thing. I AM happy. I AM abundant. I AM healthy. I AM love. I AM always on time. I AM eternal youth. I AM filled with energy every single day.”
"You have the ability to give so much to the world by emitting feelings of love and well-being, despite what is happening around you.”
"This is your life, and it’s been waiting for you to discover it!”
"Get yourself feeling good, then do the visualizing and practices that will help you believe. If you are complaining about things in your life, you are on the complaining frequency, and you are not in a position to attract what you want. Get on to the frequency of good with your thoughts and words. Firstly you will feel good, and secondly you will be on the frequency of receiving more good.”
"The Secret is the law of attraction! Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.”
"When you play you feel really good – and really good circumstances come into your life. Seriousness brings serious circumstances. Life is supposed to be fun!”
"We have so much love to give, and the more that we give, the more we receive.”
"When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.”
"It’s not the circumstances of your life that are preventing you from being happy; it’s the excuses you’re making not to be happy! Like attracts like, happiness attracts happiness, so just drop the excuses – drop every one of them – and be happy now!”
"Everything that surrounds you right now in your life, including the things you’re complaining about, you’ve attracted.”
"I am a psychologically disabled person and it’s difficult for me to get and hold down a job. When I don’t work people accuse me of being lazy, taking advantage of government money.”
"You can use the law of attraction to create your whole life in advance, right down to the next thing you are doing today.”
"Wake in the morning and count your blessings that you are healthy, you can walk, you can see, you can breathe.”
"The pictures you receive from the transmission of your thoughts are not on a television screen in your living room, they are the pictures of your life! Your thoughts create the frequency, they attract like things on that frequency, and then they are broadcast back to you as your life pictures. If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing your thoughts.”
"It’s OK to notice what you don’t want, because it gives you contrast to say, “This is what I do want.” But the fact is, the more you talk about what you don’t want, or talk about how bad it is, read about that all the time, and then say how terrible it is – well, you’re creating more of that.”
"Here’s the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again.”

"If you’re facing a problem, or you’ve hit a dead end and you can’t see any way out, the act of deep gratitude will clear the way. It’s as though your gratitude causes the Universe to issue a “free pass” that enables you to jump over the obstacle. Suddenly you find the obstacle you were facing diminishes or disappears and your way ahead is made clear, or you find the solution and with it the obstacle is overcome.”
"The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction.”
"You draw everything to yourself.”
"The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go around.”
"It works in the same way as metal being drawn to a magnet; your gratitude is magnetic, and the more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize. It is Universal law!”
“I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.”
"When you’re grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they may be, you will see those things instantly increase.”
"The simplest way for me to look at the law of attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet, and I know that a magnet will attract to it.”
RELATED: 210 Powerful Law of Attraction Manifestation Quotes
"When you want to attract something into your life, make sure your actions don’t contradict your desires.”
"If you do just a little research, it is going to become evident to you that anyone that ever accomplished anything, did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it.”
"Gratitude is riches. Be grateful for what you want before you’ve received.”
"Every action of giving creates an opposite action of receiving and what you receive is always equal to what you’ve given. Whatever you give out in life, must return to you. It is the physics and the mathematics of the universe.”
"The absolute truth is that the ‘I’ is perfect and complete; the real ‘I’ is spiritual and can therefore never be less than perfect; it can never have any lack, limitation, or disease.” Charles Haanel.”
"Test the power of The Secret by asking for something small. Step three of the Creative Process is Receive. When you feel good, you are on the frequency of receiving, and the things you want will come to you. Ask once, believe you’ve received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good. Change your thoughts now, and you.”
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.”
"Turn away from the things you don’t love and don’t give them any feeling, because they are fine as they are but they have no place in your life.”
"The principle of feeling good applies to your family pets, for instance. Animals are wonderful, because they put you in a great emotional state. When you feel love for your pet, that great state of love will bring goodness into your life. And what a gift that is.”
"Often elections are tipped in favor of the person that the people are really against, because he’s getting all the energy and all the focus.”
“As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency.”
“Every idea from your thoughts is the real thing it’s strength.”
“If you take any activity, any art, any discipline, any skill – take it and push it as far as it will go, push it beyond where it has ever been before, push it to the wildest edges of edges, then you force it into the realm of magic.”
"It’s important to feel good.”
“I don’t control anything I create.”
"Ask, Believe, Receive – just three simple steps to create what you want. Step one of the Creative Process is Ask. To ask, simply get clear in your mind about what you want. You can be as specific as you want. Once you have asked, know that what you want is already yours. Step two of the Creative Process is.”
“Most people look at their current state of affairs and they say, “This is who I am.” That’s not who you are. That’s who you were.”
“Quantum physicists tell us that the entire Universe emerged from thought!”
"Be happy NOW. Feel good NOW. That’s the only thing you have to do. And if that’s the only thing you get from reading this book, then you have received the greatest truth of The Secret.”
“And that principle can be summed up in three simple words. Thoughts become things! Through.”
"You can’t hold love in your hand. You can only feel it in your heart. It.”
"Believe. Act, speak, and think as if you’ve already received your desire. To believe, think, talk, and act as though you have what you want now. How the Universe will bring your desire to you is not your concern or your job. When you believe, the Universe must move all things for you to receive.”
“Without exception, every person who has a great life used love to achieve it. The power to have all the positive and good things in life is love.”
“It’s not “wishful” thinking.”
"Joy attracts more joy. Happiness attracts more happiness. Peace attracts more peace. Gratitude attracts more gratitude. Kindness attracts more kindness. Love attracts more love.”
"Resistance to anything is like trying to change the outside pictures after they have been transmitted. It’s a futile pursuit.”
"Make your last thoughts before going to sleep good thoughts.”
“Most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing.”
"The Universe likes speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. That’s your job. And that’s all you have to do.”
"If people believe they can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they have no control over outside circumstances, those thoughts of fear, separation, and powerlessness, if persistent, can attract them to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“When you need money, it is a powerful feeling within you, and so of course through the law of attraction you will continue to attract needing money.”
"What you are thinking now is creating your future life. You create your life with your thoughts. Because you are always thinking, you are always creating. What you think about the most or focus on the most, is what will appear as your life.”
"Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day – friends, family, work colleagues, strangers – give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you.”
“You’ve come to this juncture in your life, merely because something in you kept saying, “You deserve to be happy.” You were born to add something, to add value to this world. To simply be something, bigger and better than you were yesterday.”
“If you have more negative things than positive things in your life, then something is very wrong and you know it.”
“It’s OK that thoughts don’t manifest into reality immediately.”
"Whether you have been aware of your thoughts in the past or not, now you are becoming aware. Right now, with the knowledge of The Secret, you are waking up from a deep sleep and becoming aware!”
“Gratitude changed me, and my whole life magically changed.”
“Receiving involves feeling the way you feel once your desire has manifested.”

"Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
"Man becomes what he thinks about.”
"Creation means that something new is created – which automatically replaces the old. You don’t have to think about what you want to change; instead, think about what you want to create.”
“There is always something to be grateful for. Pure love has no conditions or boundaries. Love does not restrain itself or hold back. Love gives all the time and doesn’t ask for anything in return. Love is a continuous flow without any limits. And all of this is inside you.”
"The Secret, you will come to know how you can have, be, or do anything you want. You will come to know who you really are. You will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you.”
“When you change the way you think about a situation, everything connected to that situation will change.”
"The Law of Attraction is the Law of Love.”
"Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.”
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"No matter who you are, no matter how difficult things might appear to be, you are always being moved towards magnificence. Always.”
"Let go of the things you don’t love about your childhood, and keep the things you love. Let go of the things you don’t love about your adolescent and adult years, and keep the good things. Just keep the things you love about your whole life.”
"Shift your awareness.”
"You are human, you will make mistakes, and it’s one of the most beautiful things about being human, but you must learn from your mistakes, otherwise your life will have a lot of unnecessary pain.”
"Think good thoughts. Speak good words. Take good actions. Three steps that will bring more to you than you can ever imagine.”
"Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you.”
"Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can.”
"All your power is in your awareness of that power, and through holding that power in your consciousness.”
"Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day.”
“An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one.”
"This is a magnificent Universe. The Universe is bringing all good things to me. The Universe is conspiring for me in all things. The Universe is supporting me in everything I do. The Universe meets all my needs immediately.”
"Whatever you give out in life is what you receive back in life. Give positivity, you receive back positivity; give negativity, you receive back negativity.”
"It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts.”
"When you have an inspired thought, you must trust it and act on it.”
"When you do not treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, you can never change the way things are.”
How Can Quotes Help You?
Reading quotes can have a positive impact on your life in many ways.
Here are how quotes can help you improve your well-being:
- Inspiration: Quotes can inspire you to take action, to pursue your dreams and goals, or to make positive changes in your life. They can offer a fresh perspective on a situation or encourage you to try something new.
- Motivation: Reading quotes can help motivate you to keep going when you feel stuck or discouraged. They can remind you of your own inner strength and resilience, and encourage you to keep pushing through difficult times.
- Mindfulness: Quotes can help you become more mindful and present in the moment. They can offer a quick and easy way to focus your thoughts and calm your mind, allowing you to feel more centered and grounded.
- Self-reflection: Quotes can prompt you to reflect on your own life and experiences. They can encourage you to examine your own thoughts and beliefs, and challenge you to think in new ways.
- Positivity: Many quotes are uplifting and positive, and reading them regularly can help cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life. They can help you to focus on the good in your life and to see the world in a more positive light.
- Learning: Quotes can teach you valuable lessons about life, love, and the human experience. They can offer insight and wisdom that you might not have otherwise considered, and help you to broaden your perspective on the world.
- Connection: Quotes can help you to connect with others who share your interests and values. They can spark conversations, build relationships, and foster a sense of community and belonging.
In summary, reading quotes can be a simple and effective way to improve your well-being and cultivate a more positive outlook on life.
They can inspire you, motivate you, help you to be more mindful, prompt self-reflection, teach you valuable lessons, and connect you with others who share your interests and values.
So why not take a few minutes each day to read a quote that speaks to you and see how it impacts your life?
How Can Quotes From Rhonda Byrne Help You?
Reading quotes from Rhonda Byrne can also help you in many ways.
Here are how her quotes can have a positive impact on your life:
- Empowerment: Rhonda Byrne's quotes are focused on empowering individuals to take control of their lives and create the reality they desire. By reading her quotes, you can feel more empowered to take action towards achieving your goals and living a more fulfilling life.
- Mindset: Many of Byrne's quotes focus on the power of positive thinking and the impact that our thoughts and beliefs have on our lives. By reading her quotes, you can learn to cultivate a more positive mindset, which can lead to greater success, happiness, and well-being.
- Gratitude: Byrne's quotes often emphasize the importance of gratitude and the role it plays in creating a happy and fulfilling life. By reading her quotes, you can learn to focus on the good in your life and develop a greater appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that you have.
- Law of Attraction: Byrne is best known for her work on the law of attraction, which suggests that we attract into our lives what we focus our thoughts and energy on. By reading her quotes, you can learn more about this concept and how to use it to manifest the life you desire.
- Motivation: Many of Byrne's quotes are designed to motivate and inspire individuals to take action towards their goals. By reading her quotes, you can feel more motivated to pursue your passions and take the necessary steps to achieve your dreams.
- Self-reflection: Byrne's quotes often prompt self-reflection and encourage individuals to examine their own thoughts and beliefs. By reading her quotes, you can gain a greater understanding of yourself and your own values, which can lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth.
Overall, reading quotes from Rhonda Byrne can have a positive impact on your life by empowering you to take control of your life, cultivating a positive mindset, focusing on gratitude, understanding the law of attraction, motivating you to take action, and prompting self-reflection.
Her quotes can be a valuable tool for personal growth, success, and well-being.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve read the quotes and understand their value, this is how you can implement them into your life in order to create real change:
- Choose quotes that resonate with you and align with your values and goals
- Write the quotes down and display them in a prominent place where you can see them regularly
- Reflect on the meaning and relevance of the quotes to your life
- Incorporate the messages of the quotes into your daily thoughts, actions, and decisions
- Use a coffee mug, water bottle, or tote bag with a positive message to start your day on a positive note and spread positivity to others.
- Use the quotes as a source of motivation and encouragement when facing challenges
- Regularly evaluate and adjust the quotes you use to ensure they continue to inspire and motivate you
- Share your favorite quotes with others to spread positivity and inspire others as well
- Wear a wristband or bracelet with a positive quote or mantra as a daily reminder of your goals and aspirations.
- Use a manifestation journal or planner with positive quotes to write down your thoughts and reflect on your day with a positive outlook
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Law Of Attraction, And How Does Rhonda Byrne's Work Relate To It?
The law of attraction is a concept that suggests that we attract into our lives what we focus our thoughts and energy on.
This means that by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, we can attract positive experiences and opportunities into our lives.
Rhonda Byrne is best known for her work on the law of attraction, particularly her book "The Secret," which became a bestseller and introduced the concept to a wider audience.
How Can Rhonda Byrne's Quotes Help Me Manifest The Life I Desire?
Byrne's quotes are focused on empowering individuals to take control of their lives and create the reality they desire.
Many of her quotes are designed to help individuals cultivate a positive mindset and focus their thoughts and energy on their goals and desires.
By reading and reflecting on her quotes, you can learn how to use the law of attraction to manifest the life you desire.
Why Has Rhonda Byrne's Work Been Criticized By Some People?
While Rhonda Byrne's work has been widely popular and has helped many people to improve their lives, it has also been criticized by some for promoting a simplistic and unrealistic view of the world.
Some critics argue that the law of attraction oversimplifies complex issues and fails to take into account the many factors that can influence our lives, such as social and economic inequalities.
Others have criticized Byrne for promoting a self-centered and individualistic worldview that ignores the interconnectedness of all things.
Despite these criticisms, Byrne's work continues to inspire and empower many people around the world.
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