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Self Healing: 18 Crystals For Clear Skin (With Pictures)

Our skin is a critical part of our body, and it’s very important to keep it clear, healthy, clean, and glowing.

We often think of our skin as a barrier between us and the outside world, but we also need to take care of this vital part of ourselves.

Our skin has many functions such as protecting us from harmful substances like UV rays, bacteria, and viruses. It helps regulate our temperature, and it allows us to breathe.

Self Healing: 18 Crystals For Clear Skin (With Pictures)

With all the elements our skin has to face, keeping it bright, clear, and free from harm can be difficult. But there are some simple things you can do to help your skin stay looking its best.

A natural remedy growing in popularity is crystal healing for the skin.

Crystals have been used for thousands of years to heal ailments, and they still remain one of the most effective ways to treat health concerns today.

This post will share some of our favorite crystals for clearing the skin.

18 Crystals For Clear Skin


Amethyst is known for being an excellent cleanser. When combined with other crystals, amethyst is also believed to enhance its cleansing properties.

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This crystal helps to clear the skin by purifying the blood and lymphatic system. Amethyst is also said to improve circulation and eliminate toxins from the body.

To use amethyst for improving the skin, place a piece in one hand and rub your hands together until the stone feels warm. Then hold your hands over your face for five minutes before washing off.

Black Onyx

Onyx is another stone that is great for clearing the skin. Black Onyx is a unique stone that produces powerful vibrations.

Black Onyx

It is considered to be an excellent healer and is particularly useful when treating issues related to the heart as it stimulates the heart chakra.

Black Onyx works well for removing impurities from the body and increasing energy levels. Place a black onyx on both wrists and rub them together until they feel warm.

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Hold the stones over your eyes for three minutes before placing them back down. This can help clear the skin by providing stimulation and promoting cell renewal.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz has long been used for helping to heal and clear the skin. It is also a wonderful stone because it helps to balance hormones and promote overall good health.

Clear Quartz

It is also a fantastic stone for relieving stress and anxiety. Clear quartz is a gentle stone that promotes relaxation. This can help clear the skin by reducing inflammation and calming any redness.

Take a piece of clear quartz and hold it over your forehead for 10-15 minutes. You may want to repeat this process several times throughout the day.


Jade is a great stone for brightening the skin. This is also thought to benefit the skin by regulating hormone production.


It also helps to stimulate the liver which means that it can help to detoxify the body. It is also beneficial for balancing the female reproductive organs.

This is a powerful stone that balances the yin and yang energies within the body.

The most effective way of using jade for clearing the skin is to take a piece of the stone and hold it over your stomach for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this process twice daily.

Rose Quartz

Like clear quartz, rose quartz is also effective in clearing and de-duffing the skin. One of the most effective ways of using rose quartz for bringing your skin back to life is by using a Gua Sha tool.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a beautiful stone that is often used to cleanse and clear the skin. Rose quartz is known to increase the flow of chi (energy) through the meridians and into the cells.

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It is also said to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve PMS symptoms. Rose quartz is a very popular stone for its ability to reduce acne and breakouts.

It can also be used to remove scars and blemishes. Simply hold rose quartz over your face for 5-10 minutes.


Aventurine is considered to be a very strong stone for clearing the skin. It is said to be helpful for eliminating toxins from the body.


Aventurine is frequently used for its ability to cleanse the liver and kidneys too. It is also believed to be able to remove negative emotions from the mind.

Aventurine can be used for treating acne and other skin conditions. To use aventurine for clearing the skin, place a stone in each palm and rub them together until the stone feels warm.

Hold the palms over your face for about 5 minutes before rinsing. This will help clear the skin by stimulating the lymphatic system.


Moonstone is a stone that is great for soothing the skin. This is also said to have the power to calm the nerves and relieve depression. It is also believed that moonstone can bring peace and harmony.


To use moonstone for clearing the skin, you need to first find a piece of the stone that is at least 1 inch wide and 3 inches long.

Rub the stone against your hands and then apply it directly to the affected area. Leave the stone there for 30 minutes or longer. This will help clear up blemishes and reduce swelling.


Rhodonite is a stone that is known to be a great cleanser. It is also said to improve circulation and eliminate toxins from the body.


It is recommended that you wear a piece of rhodonite around your neck to aid with cleansing. To use rhodonite for clearing the skin, simply rub the stone between your fingers until it feels warm.

Then, place your fingertips onto the affected area. Leave it there for 5 minutes or so. This will help clear blemishes and reduce irritation.


Chrysoprase is a stone that is useful for removing impurities from the blood. It is a stone that can help to purify the blood and strengthen the immune system.


This stone is great for clearing the skin by improving circulation. Chrysoprase is also a stone that is helpful for alleviating pain and promoting healing.

To use chrysoprase for clearing the skin, rub the stone between your hands until it becomes warm. Place your fingertips on the affected areas and leave them there for 10-15 minutes.

This will help clear away any blockages and promote healing.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a wonderful stone to use for clearing the skin. This is also said to balance both yin and yang energy. It is good for relieving stress and anxiety.

Smoky Quartz

It is also said to be an excellent stone for helping to heal emotional wounds. Smoky quartz is a stone that is particularly good for clearing the skin because it has the ability to absorb toxins from the body.

To use smoky quartz for clearing the skin, place it into your palm and rub it against your hand until it feels warm. Then apply it to the affected area.

You may want to do this several times per day. This will help to clear out toxins from the body.


Bloodstone is a stone that helps to regulate hormones and boost metabolism. It is said to be beneficial for balancing the menstrual cycle and regulating menstruation.


This is effective when it comes to clearing the skin as well. This is also a stone that can be used to treat eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

It works by boosting the flow of lymphatic fluids in order to remove toxins from the body. In addition, it helps to regulate hormone levels and stimulate the production of healthy cells.

To use a bloodstone for clearing the skin, you need to first find some bloodstone. The size doesn't matter; however, make sure that the stone is large enough to cover the entire affected area.

Hold the stone over the affected area and allow it to sit there for about 15-20 minutes. This will help to cleanse the area and get rid of excess oil.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is a stone that is considered to be one of the best for clearing the skin. It is a stone with many benefits. It is also believed to be very powerful when it comes to clearing acne.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye is thought to be able to draw out toxins from the body and clear up the inflammation. It is also said that the tiger's eye can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

To use the tiger's eye for clearing the skin, hold the stone in your hand and gently massage it over the affected area. Allow it to remain there for 20 minutes or so. This should help to clear up the problem.


Aquamarine is another stone that is often recommended for clearing the skin. It is known to have many positive effects on the human body.

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It helps to clear the skin by stimulating the production of new cells. This is also said to help to improve the complexion. Aquamarine is a stone that is especially helpful for treating acne.

To use aquamarine for clearing the skin, simply rub the stone over the affected areas. Do this at least twice daily. This will help to keep the skin looking fresh and bright.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow moonstone is a stone that is great for clearing the skin. This is also said to be very useful for healing scars and blemishes. It is also said it can help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow moonstone is a stone with many uses. It is said to be extremely versatile and can be used to treat all kinds of conditions. Furthermore, it is a stone of transformation.

If you are having trouble getting rid of dark spots on your face, then rainbow moonstone could be just what you need.

To use rainbow moonstone for clearing the skin, take a piece of the stone and rub it against your hands. Rubbing it in circular motions will help to stimulate circulation and increase blood flow.


Tourmaline is a crystal that is often recommended for helping people who suffer from acne. This stone that has been found to be effective for removing blackheads and whiteheads.


It is thought to be an excellent remedy for any type of skin condition. When using tourmaline for clearing the skin, place it directly onto the affected area.

You may want to apply it several times a day until the problem clears up.


Citrine is a crystal that is sometimes recommended for clearing skin concerns. It is a stone that is known to be good for healing burns and sunburns.

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This is also said to be helpful for reducing scarring. It works by promoting cell growth and regeneration. This stone is wonderful for improving the appearance of the skin.

It is also a stone that is said not only to promote healthy skin. To use citrine for clearing the skin, rub it into the affected areas.

Leave it there for about 10-20 minutes before rinsing off. This should help to get rid of any remaining dirt and debris.


Rubies are a variety of gemstones that are often recommended for clearing the pores. Ruby is a stone that is beneficial for keeping the skin soft and supple.


These are said to be very effective for treating acne and other skin conditions. Rubies are also believed to be very beneficial for treating oily or congested skin.

Ruby is a stone that is said to work well for clearing out clogged pores. To use ruby for clearing the skin, put the stone on a cotton ball and gently wipe away excess oil.

Then rinse the area with warm water. Repeat this process as needed.


Diamonds are often recommended for cleaning the pores. Diamonds are a stone that is believed to be able to penetrate deep within the skin.

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They are said to be one of the best crystals for clearing the pores. Diamonds have long been used for treating acne.

They are a stone considered to be highly effective for treating pimples and blackheads as they are a powerful stone for dealing with oily skin.

To use a diamond for clearing the skin, hold the stone in your hand and massage it over the affected area. Use gentle pressure and do this at least twice daily.

In Summary

Crystals are an amazing tool when it comes to natural remedies. There are so many types of crystals available today. Each of them has its own unique properties.

Some crystals are better than others for certain purposes. However, no matter which crystal you choose, you can rest assured knowing that it will provide you with some incredible benefits.

Self Healing: 18 Crystals For Clear Skin (With Pictures)