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13 Of The Best Crystals For Productivity (With Pictures)

There are many types of crystals, each with its own unique properties, some improves memory, productivity, focus, or creativity. Other increases intuition and enhance spiritual awareness.

Crystals are beneficial for health and wellbeing. They also aids in meditation, relaxation, and healing.

If you want to try out crystal therapy, here are some of the best crystals for productivity.

13 Of The Best Crystals For Productivity (With Pictures)

1) Amethyst

This is a very popular stone that has been used throughout history as an energy amplifier. It’s often used to help boost self-confidence, relieve stress, and bring clarity to the user.

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Image by Jasmin777 from Pixabay

Although, it can also be in use to serve a variety of other purposes, too – and an increased sense of focus is one of them.

Known as being one of the best crystals in the world for enhancing feelings of calm, reach for an amethyst crystal whenever you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed and need to be brought back to the present moment.

This crystals will help to encourage you to relax and refocus, which will, in turn, be able to help increase your productivity levels – regardless of whether you're trying to hit a deadline or prepping for that all-important exam.

2) Aquamarine

This beautiful blue gemstone helps keep your mind focused on positive thoughts. It can also help you stay calm when things get stressful.

Image by sara graves from Pixabay

Alongside this, it also turns out that aquamarine is a pretty great crystal to reach for whenever you are in need of some inspiration to focus.

Why? Well, aquamarine is traditionally have the ability to strengthen the mind's connection to the body, and as the body can only ever be in the present moment. It means that, when armed with this crystal, you will be encourage to focus on the present moment as you become more aware of your sense of self.

Clever or what? Reach for this crystal whenever you want to weed out distractions and concentrate on the present.

3) Citrine

Sunshine in the form of a crystal, this yellow quartz stone is great for helping you feel motivated and inspired. It will also help you maintain balance and harmony within yourself.

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Image by Thomas from Pixabay

Thanks to this, it means that it's the perfect partner for inspiring feelings of motivation into your everyday life. And also will help to ensure that you are able to reach your goals and then some by clearing out any chakra blockages, increasing your sense of personal power and inspiring feelings of joy!

4) Amazonite

If you're looking for a crystal that can help you to achieve success, look no further than this stunning green stone.

Image by Lucia Breve from Pixabay

Known as being one of the most powerful crystals on Earth, it's said to be able to help you to manifest your dreams and desires.

With this in mind, it makes total sense that it would be a good choice if you're looking for ways to help you to succeed at work.

5) Agate

A stone that's commonly associates with love, agate is a fantastic crystal to use when you want to increase your confidence in yourself as well as your ability to achieve your goals.

RELATED: 17 Gentle Crystals For Confidence And Self Love (With Pictures)

Image by Briam Cute from Pixabay

It boosts your confidence and make you feel more empowered.

With these benefits in mind, it's easy to see why it's such a popular crystals choice among those who are looking for ways to improve their focus and productivity levels.

6) Rose Quartz

Sure, while productivity might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you picture this crystal of love – it can be used to help increase your overall concentration levels! This is because a lovely pink quartz stone, rose quartz is a wonderful option if you want to find ways to boost your emotional wellbeing.

Image by Hans-August Beer from Pixabay

It's believed to be able to help to clear away negative emotions and bring about feelings of happiness.

As a result, it's a fantastic way to help you to feel happier and calmer, which is great news if you're feeling stressed or anxious while at work or trying to complete a busy project.

7) Jadeite

If you're searching for a crystal that can offer you protection from negativity and help you to remain grounded, jadeite might just be the one for you.

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Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

It's been used since ancient times for its protective properties and has even been worn by monks as they meditate.

Thanks to these grounding and balancing properties, it means that Jadeite is also a great stone for anyone that is looking to enhance their focus and concentration abilities!

Why don't you keep a jadeite crystal next to your workspace? It will help to keep you calm and relaxed with its ability to keep you grounded, so it's perfect for helping to see you through stressful deadlines and back-to-back meetings without losing your focus.

8) Carnelian

If you're interested in boosting your productivity levels and your overall feelings of positivity – then we think that you'll love adding a carnelian crystal into your stone collection.

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Image by Amy Moore from Pixabay

Besides boasting a gorgeous orange and red colorway, the carnelian stone is another excellent option for anyone who wants to find ways to boost their energy levels and help them to feel more productive throughout the day.

9) Green Aventurine

This vibrant green stone helps you to find solutions to problems.

Image by Klaus Beyer from Pixabay

It opens up the crown chakra so you can connect more deeply with others, so it's great for remaining productive and keeping your focus levels up if you work in a customer-facing job, if you often have to attend meetings or if you have an upcoming group project coming up and want to make sure that you are able to do your very best.

Plus, as we have already mentioned above, the green aventurine is an ideal option for anyone that is wanting to work through problems or challenges in a constructive and enthusiastic way, which means that it can also be used to keep your productivity and focus levels up for solo work and projects, too.

10) Hematite

Hematite is one of the best crystals to reach for if you are in need of some protection against distractions, stress, and unwanted energy.

Image by György Károly Tóth from Pixabay

Thanks to this, it means that hematite is one of the best crystals to reach for whenever you need to lock in and focus on the task at hand.

Whenever you feel stressed out and need some help recentering yourself and staying balanced, you might find that a hematite stone helps you to maintain your productivity – no matter how busy and jam-packed your schedule may be.

11) Black Tourmaline

Regardless of whether you're well-experienced in crystals or not, we're sure that you'll have already heard about the protective properties associated with black tourmaline!

Image by Anne Marie McCormack from Pixabay

Traditionally, black tourmaline are able to protect you from a variety of different energies that might affect you in a negative way, which means that it's a perfect option for anyone trying to stay productive and positive in a stressful office environment.

Keep one on your desk and black tourmaline will work to keep you shielded from negative vibes so that you can meet your potential and then some.

12) Malachite

Are you trying to achieve something and need some extra help maintaining your focus and productivity levels? If you answered yes to that question, then we think that you might find that a malachite stone could be very useful in maintaining your motivation.

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Image by Ondřej Synek from Pixabay

This is because malachite are able to encourage us to let go of negative traits and behaviors that we no longer need so that more positive transformations can take place.

Sure, while it might not necessarily bring about any instant boosts in productivity, it will help you to gradually encourage positive changes in the way that you work, which will in turn help to boost your overall levels of productivity.

13) Smoky Quartz

Last but certainly not least, another fantastic crystals that you can use to boost your overall levels of productivity is a smoky quartz crystal!

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Besides being ideal for boosting your motivation levels, smoky quartz is a great stone for anyone that is looking to shake themselves out of a rut and get some balance back in their life.

For this reason, smoky quartz is the perfect companion to anyone looking to feel more centered, motivated and productive – as a smoky quartz stone will be able to help calm your senses, melt away your stress and provide you with the space to prioritize what's important and what isn't.

In particular, a smoke quartz stone is an ideal option for someone who works a job that has many deadlines, as this stone will help you to focus on each task at hand without becoming overwhelmed or stressed.

We recommend keeping one on your desk so that it will always be there when you need to reach for it!


In conclusion, there are lots of different crystals out there that can help make you more productive.

So, if you want to add crystals to your collection that guarantees to boost your productivity, check out the guide above.

13 Of The Best Crystals For Productivity (With Pictures)