Over 100 Quotes Of Empowerment And Peace By Joseph Murphy
“Busy Your Mind With The Concepts Of Harmony, Health, Peace, And Goodwill, And Wonders Will Happen In Your Life.”-Joseph Murphy
If you look in any bookstore in the Self-Help section you will most likely find books by Joseph Murphy.
Joseph Murphy was born in Ireland in 1898, then later moved to the United States where he died in 1981. He is known worldwide for his teachings and writings about the power of the mind, particularly the subconscious mind.
Joseph Murphy was an ordained minister in the church of New Thought. He was a speaker, teacher, writer, lecturer, and counselor. He was the minister and director of the Church of Divine Science in Las Angeles where thousands came to hear him speak every Sunday. He also had a radio show which was broadcasted every day and attracted millions of listeners.
As an author, Joseph Murphy wrote more than 30 books which sold over 10 million copies all over the world. His most successful work was The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
The work of Joseph Murphy centers around the idea that God’s Spirit is within each of us, and that the Spirit will guide us, give us answers to any problems we have, and lead us to a full, rich life. He believed that the Divine Presence which is in all of us can bring us to exist in a state of peace.
Murphy’s teachings are based on the idea of the subconscious self, and the power that lies within the subconscious mind to receive guidance and answers by calming the mind and making it receptive to the Spirit’s messages.
A peaceful, meditative state is necessary to receive the voice of the Spirit, and Murphy tells us we must quiet the mind, and be open and receptive to the Spirit’s answers to our questions.
Through dedicated efforts, Murphy believed that spiritual, mental, and material wealth and success can come to us.
Essential to the success of this method is the absolute belief that you will get the answers to your questions, and that good will come to you if you believe in the strength of the Spirit to provide.
This is much like more recent teachings about the law of attraction, and the manifestation of our desires through affirmations that it will be so. In fact, Joseph Murphy’s work was the precursor to many of today’s influential speakers in the area of self-help.
Joseph Murphy quotes work on the subconscious mind and its power in relation to a Divine Spirit working through a person’s focused, intentional reflection on what they want and how they can achieve that, is very much in line with people like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Louise Hay, and Earl Nightingale.
Quotes By Joseph Murphy
Inspirational Quotes
“Never finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately, and wonders will happen in your life.”
“Busy your mind with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and good will, and wonders will happen in your life.”
“Just keep your conscious mind busy with expectation of the best.”
“Your words are the body of your thought.”
“He awakened to the simple truth that it is never what a person says or does that affects him, it is his reaction to what is said or done that matters.”
“you remain faithful to your mental attitude, your prayer will be answered.”
“The only path by which another person can upset you is through your own thought.”
“The truth is you can acquire any quality you want by acting as though you already have it.”
“Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfillment of your desire now and feel its reality and you will experience the joy of the answered.”
“When you open your eyes in the morning say to yourself, I choose happiness today, I choose success today.”
“Your subconscious never sleeps. It is always on the job. It controls all your vital functions.Forgive yourself and every one else before you go to sleep, and healing will take place much more rapidly.”
“There is no virtue in poverty.”
“We go where our vision is.”
“Age has its own glory, beauty, and wisdom that belong to it.”
“Prayer is the soul's sincere desire. Your desire is your prayer. It comes out of your deepest needs and it reveals the things you want in life.”
“Remember, you are spiritually recharged during sleep, and adequate sleep is essential to produce joy and vitality in life.”
“As a person thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his or her mind, body, and circumstances.”
“Think good and good follows. Think evil and evil follows. You are what you think all day long.”
"Don't fight your problem. Know that there is a solution."
“Trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor is one way to become the richest man in the graveyard. You do not have to strive or slave hard.”
“Be still and quiet, tune in with the Infinite Intelligence, and continue in right thought, right feeling, and right action, and you will arrive at your goal.”
“The subconscious mind is ruled by suggestion, it accepts all suggestions – it does not argue with you – it fulfils your wishes.”
“Fill your mind with the great truths of life and walk forward in the light of love.”
“Be still, be quiet, I am in control, you must obey me, you are subject to my command, you cannot intrude where you do not belong.”
“Remind yourself frequently that the healing power is in your own subconscious mind.”
Believe In Yourself Quotes
“Men gifted with intuition and imagination find water in the desert, and they create cities where formerly other men only saw a desert and a wilderness.”
“am going to master this fear. I am overcoming it now. I speak with poise and confidence.”
“Picture your ideal in life; live with this ideal. Let the ideal captivate your imagination; let the ideal thrill you! You will move in the direction of the ideal that governs your mind.”
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"The law of life is the law of belief."
“You can develop the right mental attitude when you realize that nothing external can upset you or hurt you without your mental consent.”
“The first step toward your goal is the birth of the idea in the mind, and the second step is the manifestation of the idea.”
“Never finish a negative statement. Reverse it immediately and wonders will happen in your life.”
“Whatever you give attention to will grow, magnify, and multiply in your experience.”
Success And Money Joseph Murphy Quotes
“There is no virtue in poverty.”
“Money is forever circulating freely in my life, and there is always a Divine surplus.”
“Life is addition! Death is a subtraction. You add to your life by imagining whatsoever things are true, lovely, noble, and Godlike. Imagine and feel successful, and you must become successful. You are never a slave to circumstances, environment, or conditions.”
“By day and by night, I am being prospered in all of my interests.”
“Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous, and doing what you love to do, you are successful.”
“Trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor is one way to become the richest man in the graveyard. You do not have to strive or slave hard.”
“Long hours, hard labor, or burning the midnight oil will not produce a Milton, a Shakespeare, or a Beethoven. People accomplish great things through quiet moments, imagining that the invisible things from the foundation of time are clearly visible.”
“The feeling of health produces health; the feeling of wealth produces wealth.”
“Busy your mind with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and goodwill, and wonders will happen in your life.”
“Imagination is your most powerful faculty. Imagine what a lovely and good report is. You are what you imagine yourself to be.”
“I'm born to succeed; the Infinite within”
Healing And Well Being Joseph Murphy Quotes
"You can build radiant health, success and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind."
“As long as you have challenges and are physically and mentally able, life is stimulating and invigorating.”
“Remember, you have the capacity to choose. Choose life! Choose love! Choose health!”
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“You are as young as you think you are. You are as strong as you think you are. You are as useful as you think you are. You are as young as your thoughts.”
“Scientists inform us that you build a new body every eleven months; so from a physical standpoint, you are really only eleven months old.”
“Every thought is a cause & every condition is an effect. Change your thoughts & you change your destiny.”
“Every cell, nerve, tissue, and muscle of my lungs are now being made whole, pure, and perfect. My whole body is being restored to health and harmony.”
“When you keep your imagination busy with noble, Godlike concepts and ideas, you will find that it is the most effective of all faculties in your ongoing spiritual quest.”
“Choose to believe that something good can happen and is happening now. Your greatest power is your capacity to choose. Choose happiness and abundance.”
“All disease originates in the mind. Nothing appears on the body unless there is a mental pattern corresponding to it.”
“There is only one process of healing and that is faith. There is only one healing power, namely, your subconscious mind.”
“Physical inertia favors mental passivity and renders the mind more receptive to suggestion.”
“When your blood is circulating freely, you are healthy. You are economically healthy when money is circulating freely in your life.”
“Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.”
“I am going to master this fear. I am overcoming it now. I speak with poise and confidence.”
“Resentment, hatred, ill will, and hostility are behind various maladies.”
“The perfection of God is now being expressed through me.”
“The instinct of self-preservation is the first law of nature; your strongest instinct is the most potent of all auto-suggestions.”
“To concentrate is to come back to the center and contemplate the Infinite Power within you that lies stretched in smiling repose.”
“Imagination, when disciplined, spiritualized, controlled, and directed, becomes man's most exalted and noblest attribute.”
Prayer Quotes
“Age is not the flight of years; it is the dawn of wisdom in the mind of man.”
“Prayer is the soul's sincere desire. Your desire is your prayer. It comes from your deepest needs and reveals what you want in life.”
“Trust in the Lord and do good, so shalt thou dwells in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.”
“Learn to pray for your loved ones who may be ill. Quiet your mind. Your thoughts of health, vitality, and perfection operating through the one universal subjective mind will be felt and manifest in your loved one's mind”.
"Pray together, and you will stay together. Scientific prayer solves all problems.”
“God is the source of my supply. His riches flow to me freely, copiously, and abundantly. All my financial and other needs are met at every moment of time and point of space; there is always a divine surplus.”
“Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfillment of your desire now and feel its reality, and you will experience the joy of the answered.”
“It is God in action,” meaning all-around harmony and peace. Harmony is of God; what you want in a legal case is a harmonious solution.”
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“You remain faithful to your mental attitude, and your prayer will be answered.”
“God is guiding me now, and I predicate my success on the fact that the Wisdom of the Almighty reveals to me everything I need to know; I am prospering beyond my fondest dreams.”
“The doctor dresses the wound, but God heals it.”
“Faith comes with understanding. Blind faith means that a person may get results in healing without any scientific understanding of the powers and forces involved”.
“Arise, my love, and come away," and enjoy the good and glorious things of life.”
“Trust in the Lord and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.”
The Power Of Subconscious Mind Quotes
“Remember, the world within, namely, your thoughts, feelings, and imagery, makes your world without.”
“Over ninety percent of your mental life is subconscious. If you fail to use this marvelous power, you condemn yourself to live within very narrow limits.”
“All of us have our own inner fears, beliefs, and opinions. These inner assumptions rule and govern our lives. A suggestion has no power in and of itself. Its power arises from the fact that you accept it mentally.”
“A hateful or resentful thought is a mental poison. Do not think ill of another; to do so is to think ill of yourself. You are the only thinker in your universe, and your thoughts are creative.”
“The subconscious mind takes your fears as a request, proceeds to manifest them, and brings them into your experience.”

“Your problem or sickness, whatever it may be, must be caused by negative thoughts charged with fear and lodged in your subconscious mind.”
“The law of your mind is this: You will get a reaction or response from your subconscious mind according to the nature of the thought or idea you hold in your conscious mind.”
“Know that in your deeper mind are infinite intelligence and infinite power.”
“The sub-conscious mind is like a bank - a universal bank; it magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it”
“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.”
“The subconscious mind is like a bank – a universal bank; it magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it.”
“Over ninety percent of your mental life is subconscious. If you fail to make use of this marvelous power, you condemn yourself to live within very narrow limits.”
“Plainly stating to your subconscious prior to sleep that you wish a certain specific thing accomplished will help you accomplish it.”
“Feeling is the law, and the law is the feeling,” Feeling is the fountainhead of power. We must charge our mental pictures with feeling in order to get results.”
“Remember, it is not the thing believed in, but the belief in your own mind, which brings about the result.”
“Decree now, and say it meaningly: “From this moment forward, I will admit to my mind for mental consumption only those ideas and thoughts that heal, bless, inspire, and strengthen.”
“Everything that has happened to you happened because of thoughts impressed on your subconscious mind through belief.”
“You avoid conflict between your conscious and subconscious in the sleepy state. Imagine the fulfillment of your desire over and over again prior to sleep. Sleep in peace and wake in joy.”
“Within your subconscious mind, you will find the solution for every problem and the cause for every effect.”

“You must make certain to give your subconscious only suggestions, which heal, bless, elevate, and inspire you in all your ways. Remember that your subconscious mind cannot take a joke. It takes you at your word.”
“Know that in your deeper mind are Infinite Intelligence and Infinite Power.”
“As a man thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his mind, body, and circumstances.”
“Within your subconscious mind you will find the solution for every problem, and the cause for every effect.”
“Think good, and good follows. Think evil, and evil follows. You are what you think all day long.”
“The way to get rid of darkness is with light.”
“Imagine the end desired and feel its reality, follow it through, and you will get definite results.”
“The truth is you can acquire any quality you want by acting as though you already have it."
How Can Joseph Murphy Quotes Help You?
Joseph Murphy’s teachings focus on the power of the subconscious to direct and steer our life in the way we choose. The what and how of that is channeled through the Divine Spirit which has infinite intelligence.
Joseph Murphy quotes can help you in a number of ways to improve your life, and live the existence you wish to live. This powerful message can work for you.
Feel Empowered
Joseph Murphy quotes maintains that through the influence of God’s Spirit working in us by way of our subconscious mind, we can achieve our goals, and obtain our wishes and desires.
Achieve Peace
The quotes on prayer in this article can help you find a peaceful state where you can tune in to your subconscious, the infinite intelligence, and the message of the Spirit. You can achieve good health in every way.
A Feeling Of Confidence
Knowing you can control the subconscious, and have the ability to achieve your goals, and gain what you desire gives you confidence.
A Sense Of Control
Some of Joseph Murphy quotes reflect the idea of cause and effect. You can choose how you live through choosing how you think. “Choose happiness and abundance.”
Knowledge, Clarity
There are quotes on how to make this work, and the actions you need to take to get the answers from the Spirit on how to make your wants and your goals happen.
Connection With Humankind
Joseph Murphy quotes instill in us a sense of connection with the rest of humankind. He underlines that all of us have the Spirit within us, and that we all can achieve happiness.
Sense Of Purpose
The belief that there is a greater being, the Spirit of God, that is within us, gives us a sense of purpose. What does the Spirit have in store for us? Through meditation and giving voice to our wants and desires, our needs and our challenges, the Spirit will respond and direct us.
Joseph Murphy quotes tell us there is a way to achieve a good and healthy life, and he spells that out. If you know the way to attain it, then you are motivated to do it.
Frequently Asked Quetions
Are There Specific Things I Can Do To Help Me Remember A Quote?
Quotes will be most helpful when they become part of your daily life. To do that, put your quote on things that you use often, and in places where you will see it. Here are some ideas:
- In your workspace put the quote on your coffee mug, or on a sticky that you put in the corner of your computer.
- Put it in your cell phone and look at it when you are riding public transit to and from work.
- Wear a bracelet or wristband with the quote on it.
- Write it out on pretty paper and set it on a stand on your kitchen counter.
- Put it on a bookmark.
How Can The Quote Become Impactful In My Life?
- Make sure the quote you select is the right one. Does it deal with the specific topic you want to focus on? Does it align with your values and your aspirations?
- Consciously think about the quote so that you have a strong understanding of its meaning.
- Be specific in how to use the quote in your life. What, when, and how are you going to use the quote in your life? Establish that before each day begins.