308 Of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Most Influential & Inspiring Quotes To Find Peace
"Gratitude Is The Key To A Happy Life." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a spiritual leader, humanitarian, and one of the most prominent figures in the field of meditation and yoga.
Born in 1956 in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has spent much of his life traveling the world, spreading his message of peace, compassion, and spiritual awakening.
He is the founder of the Art of Living Foundation, a non-profit organization that offers meditation and yoga courses, as well as various humanitarian projects around the world.
What sets Sri Sri Ravi Shankar apart from many other spiritual teachers is his ability to communicate complex spiritual concepts in a way that is accessible and relevant to people from all walks of life.
His teachings draw from a variety of spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sufism, as well as modern psychology and neuroscience.
He encourages people to embrace their own unique spiritual path, rather than trying to conform to a particular set of beliefs or practices.
One of the most enduring legacies of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's teachings is his collection of inspiring and thought-provoking quotes.
His quotes cover a wide range of topics, including love, happiness, inner peace, and self-improvement and offer a glimpse into the wisdom and insight that he has gained through his many years of spiritual practice and service to others.
One of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's most famous quotes is "When the mind is at peace, the world too is at peace."
This quote speaks to the idea that our internal state of mind has a profound impact on the world around us.
When we cultivate inner peace and calm, we can bring that energy into our interactions with others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and harmony.
Another one of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's famous quotes is "The greatest wealth is contentment with little."
This quote challenges the idea that material possessions or external success are the keys to happiness.
Instead, it emphasizes the importance of finding contentment and joy in the simple things in life, such as spending time with loved ones or enjoying the beauty of nature.
Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or simply looking for a source of inspiration and wisdom, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes offer a wealth of insight and guidance.
Through his teachings and his many humanitarian projects, he has touched the lives of millions of people around the world, and continues to be a beacon of light and hope in an often tumultuous world.
Yoga Quotes
"Yoga is a study of life, study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego; study of your inner faculties."
"The purpose of yoga is to stop suffering even before it arises."

"Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace."
"The wisdom of Yoga transforms one from arrogance to self-confidence; meekness to humility; from dependence to a realization of interdependence."
"Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga."
"One of the rules of yoga is to cultivate the practice of being happy."
"Yoga is not just a weight-loss program, it is a science to make you feel lighter. You lose mental stuff of anger, jealousy, hatred, greed, etc."
"Withdraw your senses from the object to its source, then the union happens, then the yoga happens."
"Yoga brings the knowledge, passion, and action together."
"The wisdom of Yoga transforms one from craving for freedom to recognition of unboundedness, from limited ownership to oneness with the whole."
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Quotes For Art Of Living
"Today is a gift from God - that is why it is called the present."
"The third one is culturing the mind. One who has never meditated has no right to even touch the book of Ashtavakra."
"If you can win over your mind, you can win over the whole world."
"Shasana means rules someone else imposes on you. Anushasana means rules you impose on yourself."
"Don't Fall in love, Rise in Love!"
"We should not exit from this world without finding out who we are and where we have come from. This is very important."
"There is no use getting angry at something that has already happened. All you can do is your best to check it doesn't happen again."
"Healthy breathing is the key to eliminating these toxins and harmonizing emotions."
"Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not other, it is your own mind."
"Life is nothing to be very serious about. Life is a ball in your hands to play with. Don’t hold on to the ball."
"If someone blames you directly, do not believe it. Just know that they are taking away your bad karma and let it."
"Have "eternal wait," infinite patience. When you have infinite patience, you will realize God belongs to you. Either through awareness or through practice you reach the same spot."
"Rejection itself means the finite."
"You need to see your life in context of time and space — how vast creation is, how big the universe is and how small your life is, relative.
"Infinity means it is permeating all the finite things."
"Faith is realizing that you always get what you need."
"Why can't we control our anger? because we love perfection. make a little room for imperfection in our lives."
"The path of love is not a tedious path. It's a path of joy. It's a path of singing and dancing."
"Worrying doesn't make any difference, but working does and spirituality gives one the strength to work."
"Human evolution has two steps - from being somebody to being nobody; and from being nobody to being everybody. This knowledge can bring sharing and caring throughout the world."
"Life is a ball we should play with it!"
"Think about a world which never irritated you. You’d be stuck with it forever."
"Science is about learning 'what something is' and spirituality is about knowing 'who I am'."
"If something can bring you great pleasure, it can also bring you pain."
Love Quotes
"When you give love a name, it becomes a relationship that restricts love."
"Love is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us."
"Worry is the enemy of love. You cannot be in love and be worried at the same time."
"The path of love is not a tedious path. It's a path of joy. It's a path of singing and dancing."
"Don’t make an effort to love or insist that someone should love you."
"Attention is not love. In fact, when there is a lot of love, there will be no attention."
"Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence."
"Love, when distorted, becomes greed, jealousy, fear, and hatred."
"Fear is a lack of love. Only one thing can eliminate fear, and that is love."
"Don't Fall in love; rise in Love!"
"In love, you don’t expect anything. If you want something in return, don’t call it love."
"In true love, there is no heartbreak. A broken heart means broken demands, broken expectations, broken hopes."
"Commitment is about stretching your capabilities. It can take you across all obstacles."
"When the energy is high, and when there is love, healing happens automatically!"
"In deep love, your mind is free from thoughts."
"If you ever feel lonely and feel that no one loves you, remember me."
Faith Quotes
"Faith is the subject of the head. Devotion is the subject of the heart, and meditation connects both."
"If you pray to God with all your heart (dropping the sorrow, which simply means hanging onto the past), then whatever you desire will be given to you."
"Have this faith that someone is there to take away your weaknesses. Ok, you slipped once, twice, thrice. It does not matter. Keep moving ahead. People take vows never to commit mistakes again. Breaking the vows makes it worse. Surrendering is better."
"In science, knowledge comes first, and then faith follows. In spirituality, faith comes first, and then knowledge follows."
"Faith is realizing that you always get what you need."
"Despite being amidst all pleasures and worldly things, one is completely untouched, untainted, and unstained by the events and happenings."
"When you share your misery, it will not diminish. When you fail to share your joy, it diminishes. Share your problems only with the Divine, not with anyone else, as that will only increase the problems. Share your joy with everyone."
Happiness And Well-Being Quotes
"Faith is the subject of the head. Devotion is the subject of the heart and meditation connect both."
"Recognize and honor your uniqueness."
"There is no use getting angry at something that has already happened. All you can do is your best to check it doesn't happen again."
"If something can bring you great pleasure, it can also bring you pain."
"But joy is never tomorrow; it is always now."
"Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others; it is your own mind."
"There is nothing to worry about. There will be tough times, nice times, good times and bad times. They all come in life and go. Nothing stays."
"Make your smile cheaper and anger expensive."

"Turn your demand into gratefulness. The more grateful you are, more love comes your way."
"If you are a taker of happiness, you get misery; if you are a giver of happiness, you get joy and love."
"Just be in the simple and innocent state of I don’t know."
"Listen to others, yet do not listen. If your mind gets stuck in their problems, not only are they miserable, but you also become miserable."
"Forgive yourself and forgive others; Don’t chew on other’s mistakes or your own mistakes."
"Health is… A disease-free body. A quiver-free breath. A stress-free mind. An inhibition-free intellect. An obsession-free memory. An ego that includes all. A soul that is free from sorrow."
"Blessings are already there – just look."
"Don’t fall in love, rise in love."
"Don’t think of anything as difficult. Know that we have an even greater power within and according to that we get tasks to do."
"Do everything happily. Walk, talk, sit happily; even if you complain against somebody, do it happily."
"Blessings are already there."
"Welcome each day with a genuine smile from within."
"There are four sources of energy — food, sleep, breath, and a calm mind."
"Never label yourself. Learn from the past and move on. Feelings come and go. They are never stationary. Neither blamer others nor yourself."
"There is nothing to worry about. There will be tough times, nice times, good times, and bad times. They all come into life and go. Nothing stays."
"Life gives you both positive and negative. Focus on the good and move ahead with commitment."
"Dissolving the name is awareness. Dissolving the form is meditation. The world is name and form. Bliss transcends name and form."
"In joy, there is neither desire nor ambition. Ambition promises joy somewhere in the future. It creates a mirage of joy and leaves frustration in your hands."
"Your desire for pleasure or happiness makes you unhappy."
Exceptional Quotes
"Difference between motivation and inspiration – Motivation is external and short lived. Inspiration is internal and lifelong."
"If you don’t have a relationship with yourself, all other relationships become shallow. And if your relationship with yourself is so profound and steady then you naturally develop the skill to handle any kind of relationship around you."
"If you want to make sense it has to come from silence."
"You can see love everywhere in this creation if only you have an eye to see it."
"Creativity can only come from silence. If we maintain two minutes of silence every day, then we will see that a whole new dimension of life opens up."
"Have “eternal wait,” infinite patience. When you have infinite patience, you will realize God belongs to you. Either through awareness or through practice you reach the same spot."
"Life will always move in the direction of the best."
"Prayer within breath is silence. Love within infinity is silence. Wisdom without word is silence. Compassion without aim is silence. Action without doer is silence. Smiling without all existence is silence. Soul to soul communication is silence."
"Just wake up and see that the entire past is only a memory. In the flow of time, all events are dissolving."
"Why can’t we control our anger? Because we love perfection. make a little room for imperfection in our lives."
"Today is a gift from God – that is why it is called the present."
"Turn your demand into gratefulness. The more grateful you are; the more love comes your way!"
"Activity and rest are two vital aspects of life. To find a balance in them is a skill in itself. Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have. Finding them in each other – activity in rest and rest in activity – is the ultimate freedom."
"Whatever you put attention on will start manifesting in your life, intention, attention, manifestation that is how the universe works."
"There are four sources of energy — food, sleep, breath and a calm mind."
"In always wanting to be comfortable, you become lazy. In always wanting perfection, you become angry. In always wanting to be rich, you become greedy."
"Worrying doesn’t make any difference, but working does and spirituality gives one the strength to work."
"Every emotion is connected with the breath. If you change the breath, change the rhythm, you can change the emotion."
"The only way to be untouched by events is to see the whole phenomenon as a dream which is passing."
"The fire of love or fire of knowledge creates unpleasantness or a sense of longing in the beginning, but it moves on to the blossoming of bliss, the blossoming of fullness."
"Know that you are loved by the universe."
"Faith is realizing you always get what you need."
"When you have inner calmness then you automatically succeed in what you do. The more silent you are from inside, your thoughts and actions become more powerful."
"Every moment you spend on this planet, remember that you are here for a unique purpose & cause, far greater than to just eat, sleep & talk."
"Have faith in what you are doing and keep moving."
"If you are passionate, be passionate about the highest, the most wonderful, and the most beautiful. Be passionate about this entire creation for everything is so beautiful."
"Wise is the one who learns from another´s mistakes. Less wise is the one who learns only from his own mistakes. The fool keeps making the same mistakes again and again and never learns from them."
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Quotes For Exceptional
"Grace has the ability to change anything at anytime."
"Don’t fall in love, RISE IN LOVE!"
"I tell you, deep inside you is a fountain of bliss, a fountain of joy. Deep inside your center core is truth, light, love, there is no guilt there, there is no fear there. Psychologists have never looked deep enough."
"There is no use getting angry at something that has already happened. All you can do is your best to check it doesn’t happen again."
"Be content with whatever happens for what God chooses for us is surely better than what we choose for ourselves."
"WHATEVER IS YOURS, will always be yours. Anything that goes away, was never yours even before. If you know this, you will be at PEACE."
"Human evolution has two steps – from being somebody to being nobody; and from being nobody to being everybody. This knowledge can bring sharing and caring throughout the world."
"The best form of service is to uplift someone’s state of mind."
"Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others, it is your own mind."
"Always know that the divine never gives you a responsibility you cannot fulfill."
"Nothing stays forever, good as well as bad times go away. Be happy, reminding yourself of this again and again."
"Trying to end a conflict, prolongs it. Face the conflict by seeking the comfort of the self."
"Hold on to the faith that only good things will happen to you. If something unpleasant is happening it is because the nature wants to make you strong."
"With a pure mind and an honest heart, there is nothing to fear."
"Even if you lose everything, if you have confidence, then you can recreate everything again, and that is success."
"Feeling blessed is the first step towards the self."
"Love minus knowledge is problem & love with knowledge is bliss."
"You are trying to walk forward with your head turned backward. This is why you feel miserable just let go!"
"Soul to soul communication is silence."
"Blossom like a flower. There should always be a smile on your face that nobody can take away."
"You will never be given anything you can’t handle."
"If people are not inspired from within, it will not be possible to build a good work ethic."
"One thing you must know is that life moves in the direction of the best. On the way you may find rough roads, but is towards the better."
"Just be calm and relax. You will get all your answers automatically."
"Break through all the barriers and feel that you are blessed! This is the one and only step you have to take. The rest will all happen."
"Smile, laughter and meditation are privileges of human life."
"Let the mind calm down and the heart start to open. Then everything will be very obvious."
"Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration."
"Smile, laughter, and meditation are privileges of human life."
"Science is about learning ‘what something is’ and spirituality is about knowing ‘who I am’."
"Anything which you do to someone comes back to you. That is the karma principle. Very simple!"
"See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don’t hold onto judgements."
"Events bring you small joy, while existence brings you bliss."
"Spirituality is a sense of belongingness with all the people in the world."
"When the mind is happy, time seems to short. When the mind is sad time seems too long. In equanimity, mind transcends time."
"In true love there is no heartbreak. A broken heart means broken demands, broken expectations, broken hopes."
"Worry is the enemy of love. You cannot be in love and be worried at the same time!"
"The mission of your life should be to leave a better world behind than what you inherited."
"When the beauty inside blossoms, the older you get, he more beautiful you look."
"Only love can make life fulfilling."
"Spiritual blossoming simply means blossoming in all dimensions of life; Being Happy, at east with yourself and with everybody around you."
"Know that the divine loves you immeasurably. Surrender your worries and live life with a smile."
"Faith is like a mountain and doubts are like clouds. Can any cloud anytime shake a mountain? It is impossible."
"True freedom is an ‘I don’t care’ attitude. It is lightness from within, a genuine smile and lack of stiffness. Such freedom will not bring arrogance."
"Love is preserved by wisdom, destroyed by demand, tested by doubt, nourished by longing. It blossoms with faith & grows with gratitude."
"There is freedom when you realize that you are just a witness to all that is happening."
"Nature will never confront you with a problem you cannot solve! You already have the answer, that is why the question appears in front of you!"
"The more you give, the more you will get. Then, life will become a sheer dance of love."
"Life teaches you the art of letting go in every event. When you have learnt to let go, you will be joyful, and as you start being joyful more will be given to you."
"If you ever feel lonely and feel that no one loves you and cares for you remember me."
"Music soothes your heart, heals your emotions, and uplifts you. If we listen to music for a short while, it takes us towards divinity, the pure consciousness."
"When you become content in life. You gain the power to bless others. This is the law of nature."
"What does meditation and spiritual practices do? They bring out the four I’s in you: Innovation, Intuition, Inspiration and intelligence."
"If you look back at occurrences in your life, you can easily see how even the worst situations you experienced in your life ended up teaching you invaluable lessons and therefor resulted in putting you in perfect place for your continuing development."
"Take some time off to go within, in silence. With that, your charm becomes eternal, your love becomes unconditional & great strength arises".
"When you see your happiness in the happiness of others, that’s when you will be truly happy."
"The only thing you must remember is how fortunate you are. When you forget this, you become sad."
"Playing the victim card blinds you to your own flaws and so you can never improve. Self-Pity is the easiest way to create unilateral misery."
"The childlike innocence means making no judgment about oneself, not evaluating yourself."
"When you are unhappy, you are just coming in touch with your own boundaries. Turn the whole situation into a prayer & you will walk through it."
"Your desire for perfection is the cause of anger. Leave room for imperfection. Perfection in action is almost impossible."
"When you meditate, you emit positive vibes around you. We convey more through our vibes than through our words."
"The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest."
"God is not an object of senses but the feeling of feelings, the sound of silence, light of life, the essence of the world & the taste of bliss."
"Forgetfulness of the infinite is misery. Forgetfulness of the trivial is ecstasy."
"Don’t postpone your happiness until some perfect future date. Be happy now, tomorrow will take care of itself."
"If your intention is right, then the right action follows."
"Every soul on this earth is divine. You need to realize it."
"Keep the mind happy and peaceful and keep working too. Balancing work and rest is the sign of intelligence."
"Being natural is the simplest way to overcome the ego."
"Joy is never tomorrow, it is ALWAYS NOW!"
"Tiredness is when our senses go outward; the moment the senses start turning inward, we are tapping into the eternal source of energy."
"The whole universe is made up of a vibration called love and that is what I am and that is what you are!"
"Make others comfortable and you will see that nature will take care of your comfort."
"Every bud has all that it needs to be a flower."
"Trying to correct the mind is like trying to correct the waves in the ocean."
"A mind in the present moment is meditation."
"Prayer is not just sitting and saying so many words, but is being in that serene, calm, and meditative state."
"If you believe even in that which you cannot see, your reward will be greater than what you can imagine."
"The world is full of paradoxes and life is full of opposites. The art is to embrace the opposites, accommodate the paradoxes and live with a smile."
"Happiness is right here and now and the way to find it is through meditation. It improves our mind, health and brings more happiness."
"Look at your life in contrast with the magnitude of creation, space and time. Your life becomes insignificant. Ego disappears."
"Love is not a path. It brings you back home. Love IS home."
"Keeping the mind happy makes work effortless. This is the skill for productivity."
"People who are tough to handle, whether at office or at home, only help you develop your skills. They make you more skillful, more refined, more compassionate and all your good qualities start manifesting."
"Purpose of words is to create silence."
"Know that highest flowering in life is being in love. Love is not an emotion; it is your very existence."
"Life is much larger than birth & death, failure & success. You are the unblemished, pure, eternal self. Knowing this, you will walk like a king."
"Even if a room has been in darkness for thousand years, it takes just a moment to bring in light."
"Happiness is when you want nothing & you want to give. Where the wanting and desires end & the sharing begins, happiness is there."
"When you wish good for others, good things come back to you. This is a law of nature."
"You exist like the space – free, and hollow and empty, rather than as if you are somebody."
"When someone is drowning in the ocean of attachments surrender is the life jacket they can put on and wait for the rescue team."
"Abundance is a state of mind within you. If you just look at lock, the lack increases in life. See what you have, and then abundance increases."
"Most of the problems in relationships are because we talk a lot. Be quiet and try to change yourself, not the situation."
"Knowledge is a burden if it robs you of innocence."
"Meditation is the journey from sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited space."
"Miracles happen naturally and spontaneously. It cannot be forced. When everything falls in place, miracles happen on their own."
"Even if you have broken dreams, don’t lose hope! Have faith and know that every experience in life always brings something good with it."
"The words of those who are content have great power."
"Every now and then take some time off for your own space and get into the cave of your heart. Then you won’t feel lonely, even when you are alone."
"Dream the impossible. Know that you are born in this world to do something wonderful and unique; don’t let this opportunity pass by. Give yourself the freedom to dream and think big."
"Prayer is not asking for something. Prayer is gratefulness; a recognition of the huge tidal waves of love that God is pouring on you every moment."
"If you have confidence you can manage anything, you can handle any situation that is wealth."
"The world is a place where abilities are so different. Everyone has different abilities, but to reach the divine self, ability doesn’t count."
"Life works on strange laws of nature (Karma). One never knows when a friend turns enemy & vice-versa. Rely on your Self; self-reliance."
"Measure your success by the numbers of hours you smile, your smile and your confidence indicates your success, your fearlessness and ability to share and care for people indicate your success."
"Make the whole life a game. There is no purpose, there is no aim, nothing. Just take it lightly, easily. Play the game that is celebration."
"Feeling the presence of the divine is the art of living."

"See people beyond their expressions. Then, you’ll never be stuck with what someone says or does."
"Don’t waste today for what happened yesterday. Wake up and say “I have the valor and the courage to overcome this."
"Life is waiting for you to smile. Our body has the capacity to sustain the vibrations of bliss and peace much longer than negative emotions. That is because positivity is in the centre of our existence."
"Remind yourself of the highest goal in your life. You are not here to grumble or to complain. You are here for something bigger."
Knowledge & Wisdom Quotes
"The universe is one organism. The world is one organism, one living Being and each mind is just a part of that. This is the highest knowledge, and all knowledge has to lead to this universal truth."
"When you wish good for others, good things come back to you. This is the law of nature."
"Past should be seen as destiny. The future should be seen as free will. This is wisdom. Wise people do like that."
"The three Gunas
"Wise is the one who learns from another person’s mistakes. Less wise is the one who learns only from his own mistakes. The fool keeps making the same mistakes again and again and never learns from them."
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Quotes For Success
Sure, here are the quotes numbered from 230 to 238 with periods:
"Worrying doesn't make any difference, but working does, and spirituality gives one the strength to work."
"A leader desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path."
"Perfect balance is like a razor’s edge. It can be found only in the self."
"Just complaining without looking for a solution is irresponsibility."
"Meditate and Smile. Smile and Serve. Serve and Celebrate."
"Difference between motivation and inspiration – Motivation is external and short-lived. Inspiration is internal and lifelong."
"You have to find a balance between your work and service. To make a living, you work, and for the satisfaction, you do service."
"Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but not the same mistakes. You have got to be innovative even in your mistakes!"
"If it appears as though you are failing, that failure is only to get you towards higher success. This is for sure."
Inspirational Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Quotes
"Be ready to learn simple things from simple people- even from a child. The readiness to learn can bring up creativity and self confidence in you."
"You need to see your life in the context of time and space — how vast creation is, how big the universe is and how small your life is, relative."
"Pranayam enhances performance. Children feel calmer, more attentive and alert.
"And this quality time spent with them should be interesting. Children should look forward to the time to sit with parents and listen to stories."
"Expression of love is service, expression of joy is your smile, expression of peace is meditation, expressing God is conscious action."
"The game has value when it is tough. So, some little problems that come in life are part of the whole game."
"We cannot have value education just for one generation and forget about it. Every generation needs to revive, renew and re-implement it."
"You are endowed with certain naughtiness as a child. Keep it alive."
"Once you know Maya, you do not have to make any effort to come out of it."
"Just as a sapling needs watering, to blossom fully, young children need ‘sanskars’ for nurturing human values."
"Breath is the link between the body and mind. If the mind is a kite the breath is the thread. The longer the thread, the higher the kite can go."
"Every child should know a little about all cultures and religions in the world. They will start to feel a connection with all the cultures."
"Laughter gives strength to manage any situation."

"Doing yoga helps children to be happy, healthy, skilful and smart."
"Let my hands be of service to people and earn wisdom through my hands and my hands do good work."
"Ride on life like a bicycle — balancing studies, career and your dreams."
"A game is where you win and lose, and both are part of it. When there is more chance of losing, it is more charming."
"It is good for parents to sit with the children and tell them stories that have morals. A story with a moral is good."
"To realize “the Self”, you need a lot of energy; if you are weak, dull then what takes over you is inertia."
"Anyway, in life, without sacrifices, you can’t attain some very important things."
"Encourage children to ask questions and have a scientific temperament. This will make them wonder and ponder on the reality which they find stunning."
"Do not have regrets in life. You should feel that ‘I have done what I had to do, and whenever the time to leave this body comes, I will die happily."
"Education is not about feeding our kids with useful information. It is to make them beautiful citizens of our planet."
"You always love perfection; make a little room for imperfection in your life."
"Your head will be in the mud in a few years. Don't put mud in your head while you are still alive."
"Life is a ball; we should play with it!"
"I do not want anything, and I am here to give everything; when you get this feeling from within, that means you have become a Sanyasi."
"If everyone including an 8-year-old learns meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world in one generation."
"Caught up between gaining and losing, they lose their entire life."
"It is easier to build strong children rather than repairing broken adults."
"Every moment you spend on this planet, remember that you are here for a unique purpose and cause, far greater than just to eat, sleep, and talk."
"As you give love, it starts showering on you from all nooks and corners of existence."
"Things, people, situations keep changing all the time."
"When the "I" dissolves, worries dissolve."
"As students learn to reduce stress and manage emotions they are able to focus and perform well academically at school and build more positive relationships with their peers, parents and teachers."
"We all cried when we came into this planet, but it is important that at least when we go, we are happy and smiling."
"Begging is not the sign of greatness; greatness is much bigger. Greatness is beyond riches or poverty."
"Celibacy is conserving the energy; when you conserve energy, it can be used to do many other things."
"Wise is the one who respects everyone. When others respect you, it is because of their generosity. When you respect others, it shows your magnanimity, greatness."
"Surrender all your actions, good or bad, right or wrong, to the Almighty and be free."
"If you can win over your mind, you can win the whole world."
"Life will always move in the best direction."
"If there is fear or confusion in your life, it is because you lack commitment."
"Life is a temporary moment; there is no guarantee how long you will live on this planet. One day you have to quit this planet."
"People lose half of their health to gain wealth, and they lose half of their wealth to regain their health."
"Time is the ruler. Time is the wintnessor of past, present, and future."
"The best form of worship is to be happy, to be grateful."
"All these are in the world is just a drama, and everybody is playing their own parts."
"Honestly, ask yourself who I am, where did I come from, where I will be after few years-it kindles a great level of your awareness."
"Keeping the mind open to new ideas, not being too anxious about success, putting 100% effort and meditation is the formula for entrepreneurs."
"One thing, I am a big scholar, that is enough to bring arrogance. Arrogance brings anger, and both together will bring us Ego."
"If like dreams, if you say bye to all memories of the past and be here and now, something phenomenal happens inside of you."
"Realizing that the cause behind all causes being the Divine and bowing to the Divine."
"You should be ready for any challenge. This readiness will make you happy."
"Reaction and non-action both create Karma, but conscious action transcends Karma."
"There is something in us that has not changed throughout; there is something in us which has been the reference point of all changes."
"Enlightenment is something that is in your true Nature, but it is just being veiled by small things like desires, obsessions, likes, and dislikes."
"Happiness depends upon your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings-happiness is there."
"Energy with ignorance is sadness; energy with wisdom is bliss."
"Spiritual knowledge improves intuitive ability, innovative ability and communication."
"When all others experience subdues, then what remains is the pure consciousness, which is known as Nirvana or Liberation."
"Wherever there is sincerity & talent, people do recognize them. It may take some time but we should have some patience and hold on to our passion."
"The goal of spirituality is to bring such happiness, which nobody can take away from you."
"Do not be feverish about success, if your aim is clear and you have patience to move towards it, nature will support you."
"The biggest secret of the law of attraction is that when you do not crave for it, it is yours but if you run after it, it runs away."
"Meditation is the journey from sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited identity."
"Mind is not a different entity; it has no separate existence. Mind is also part of consciousness."
"You have no any control over how other people will treat you."
"Meditation is the biggest and most expensive tool for you to know who you really are."
"Even if you win in ego, it is a loss. Even if you lose in love, it is a victory."
How Can Quotes Help You?
Quotes can help improve your life in several ways:
- Inspiration and motivation: Quotes can be a source of inspiration and motivation when you need a boost to keep going or to start something new. They can provide a sense of direction and purpose, and encourage you to take action.
- Wisdom and insight: Quotes can offer valuable wisdom and insight, distilling complex concepts or ideas into a few simple words. They can help you to see things from a new perspective or to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
- Mindfulness and reflection: Quotes can help you to practice mindfulness and reflection, by providing a prompt for introspection or contemplation. They can help you to slow down and focus on the present moment, and to develop greater self-awareness.
- Connection and community: Quotes can be a way to connect with others and to feel part of a community. When you share a quote that resonates with you, you may find that others have had similar experiences or insights, and can offer support or encouragement.
- Positive mindset: Quotes can help to cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on the good in life and offering hope and optimism. They can help to counteract negative self-talk and to shift your perspective towards a more positive outlook.
Overall, quotes can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development, offering guidance, inspiration, and insight to help you navigate life's challenges and cultivate a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
How Can Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Quotes Help You?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes specifically, can also be beneficial to your life in numerous ways:
- Promote inner peace and calm: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes often emphasize the importance of cultivating inner peace and calm. By reflecting on these quotes, you can learn to develop a more peaceful mindset and find ways to manage stress and anxiety.
- Foster compassion and empathy: Many of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes also promote compassion and empathy towards others. By internalizing these values, you can become more kind and understanding towards those around you, which can improve your relationships and overall sense of well-being.
- Encourage self-improvement: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes often touch on the importance of self-improvement and personal growth. By reflecting on these quotes, you can identify areas of your life that you want to work on, and take steps to become the best version of yourself.
- Provide inspiration and motivation: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes are often inspiring and motivational, offering a sense of direction and purpose. By reflecting on these quotes, you can feel inspired to pursue your goals and dreams, and to make positive changes in your life.
- Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness: Many of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes emphasize the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness. By reflecting on these quotes, you can learn to live in the present moment, to be more aware of your thoughts and emotions, and to cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness.
In short, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes can provide valuable guidance and insight for personal growth and self-improvement.
By reflecting on these quotes and internalizing their wisdom, you can cultivate a more peaceful, compassionate, and fulfilling life.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve read the quotes and understand their value, this is how you can implement them into your life in order to create real change:
- Choose quotes that resonate with you and align with your values and goals
- Write the quotes down and display them in a prominent place where you can see them regularly
- Reflect on the meaning and relevance of the quotes to your life
- Incorporate the messages of the quotes into your daily thoughts, actions, and decisions
- Use a coffee mug, water bottle, or tote bag with a positive message to start your day on a positive note and spread positivity to others.
- Use the quotes as a source of motivation and encouragement when facing challenges
- Regularly evaluate and adjust the quotes you use to ensure they continue to inspire and motivate you
- Share your favorite quotes with others to spread positivity and inspire others as well
- Wear a wristband or bracelet with a positive quote or mantra as a daily reminder of your goals and aspirations.
- Use a manifestation journal or planner with positive quotes to write down your thoughts and reflect on your day with a positive outlook
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is an Indian spiritual leader, humanitarian, and founder of the Art of Living Foundation.
He is known for his teachings on meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques, as well as his humanitarian work through the foundation.
What Are Some Famous Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Quotes?
Some famous Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's quotes include:
- "The mind is like the wind and the body like the sand: if you want to know how the wind is blowing, you canlook at the sand."
- "Gratitude is the key to a happy life."
- "Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how."
- "The purpose of life is to be happy, to uplift others, and to find peace within yourself."
What Is The Art Of Living Foundation?
The Art of Living Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1981. Its mission is to promote personal and social transformation through meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques.
The foundation has a presence in over 150 countries and has impacted the lives of millions of people through its programs and humanitarian projects.